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The Bell Tolls for Mariano del Rosario

venusvictrix says: I do not know where Mariano del Rosario matriculated. I only know that he was born Jan 10, 1947 in New York City and he grew up there.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Oh! Mariano del Rosario grew up? I missed that part. His behavior makes it seem he’s got a terminal case of the terrible twos…

Unfortunately, I dont know the name of the businessman who wasted his money when he hired Mariano del Rosario to set up and manage his call center but I can find out if you think it is really important for getting my money back from Mariano del Rosario.

It’s probably not “mandatory,” but it’s good to have every nail in his coffin [and revelation regarding his “habits”] a matter of public record. Wouldn’t hurt to have this information if you could get it without much of a struggle.

What I have are the details for the bounced checks he gave me.
Here they are:

Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company ( Metrobank)
Tordecillas St – Gil Puyat Ave. Branch, Makati City

1. Check number 6411452964 dated: June 5, 2007
2. Check number 6411452953 dated: July 15, 2007
3. Check number 6411452962 dated: Aug 17, 2007
4. Check number 6411452945 dated: July 9, 2007

All the above checks bounced when I deposited them and the bank told me his account was closed.

I gave the bounced checks to a lawyer. The problem is that Mariano del Rosario left the country right after he gave me these checks. Criminal charges can be filed against him, but since court cases over here takes so long, I dont know how long it would take to put Mariano “Juni” del Rosario behind bars. Also since Mariano del Rosario ran away to the US, even with a guilty verdict he cant be put in prison unless he steps on Philippine soil again.

Why am I not surprised. Did he give you the checks on his way to the airport?

  • The Philippines and the United States has [sic] a treaty on extradition, also known as the “RP-US Extradition Treaty,” which was executed on 13 November 1994. The pertinent Philippine law, on the other hand, is Presidential Decree No. 1069, issued by President Ferdinand Marcos on 13 January 1977.
  • Extradition is a two-way street, so to speak. The Philippines could issue a request for extradition with the proper authorities of the United States, and vice versa.

Sadly, a “nobody” who’d stolen US$5000 from a rich person could probably be extradited. Conversely, a rich person who steals US$55,000 from a “nobody” is very unlikely to suffer that fate.

However! It sounds as though Mariano del Rosario has enjoyed quite a storied career [as a grifter]. Perhaps we can track down other of his victims — especially those who might be considered “important” — and make it worth a class-action extradition.

I dont have any concrete information about whether he scammed anyone else but I have heard he didn’t pay all of his employees the money he owed them. I am not in the same social circles as Mariano del Rosario was when he was in Manila so I dont know who his friends are or were. We dont have any mutual friends.

I’m guessing Mariano del Rosario doesn’t have any friends [and is a very lonely man]. I have some ideas re tracking down more of his victims. We have not yet begun to fight.

All I know about him is that he is the brother of one of my late Mom’s closest friends. On the basis of that I lent him the money.

And that is what makes Mariano del Rosario’s actions especially disgusting, despicable, and egregious. I fear for members of the online tennis club in the San Francisco Bay Area, and for other unsuspecting contacts, online and off.

His former secretary told me he paid his delinquent membership dues in the Manila Polo Club before he left. He apparently sold his club share and paid them with the proceeds of that sale. He didn’t want a bad name with rich people but he doesnt care what poor people think about him.

Typical. But his famous, football-playing sons may have had something to say about that, as well. Having Mariano del Rosario as one’s “father” must be humiliating enough, in private. To be publically humiliated for this accident of birth would be a nightmare.

Yes, he was playing tennis when he was here. He was pratically living in the Manila Polo Club. He would play tennis, eat there, hold meetings there. He was living the life of a retired millionaire!

After he gave me the bad checks he told me that he had very serious heart problems and had an operation on his heart and his doctor told him he couldnt work or do anything very physical and now he is playing tennis again at the tennis club in San Francisco? He is an awful awful man!

Indeed! Though I’m surprised he could convince you that he had a heart. Did he say for how long he was under doctor’s orders not to exert himself? Did he have this alleged “heart operation” in the Philippines or in the US? Do you believe that Mariano del Rosario had heart surgery? Honestly, to me it sounds as though he’s been watching too many bad movies.

The only contact info I have for him is an email address and a telephone number in California.

The last email address he gave me was I have emailed him countless times at this address. Sometimes he replies, sometimes he doesnt. I suppose it depends on who is emailing him. Grrrrrr….

Well, I think it’s time I contacted Mariano del Rosario. I’ll give the search engines another couple of days to chew on these posts, and approach him on Monday. If he doesn’t respond to me [within 24 hours], I’ll start asking questions of his contacts, and every associate and employer [no matter how ex] I can find. And I’ll make a few calls to possible [and previously alleged] “professional associations.”

P.S. Please give me every phone number you’ve ever had for Mariano del Rosario, whether in the US or the Philippines. You’d be amazed at the kind of information which can be found when researching a long-disconnected telephone number.

Hang in there, VenusVictrix! We’re headed into the home stretch, now. You’re going to get some kind of satisfaction in the not-too-distant future. Let’s hope it’s the satisfaction of having your money returned rather than the satisfaction of having ringside seats for Mariano del Rosario’s Waterloo…


  1. venusvictrix says:

    Thank you for your help! It amazes me how much info you have unearthed about Mariano del Rosario in such short span of time.

    If I remember correctly, he had his alleged heart by-pass operation sometime in the Spring of 2008 in the US. He told me after the “operation” that his doctor told him not to work until the doctor gives him a clean bill of health. I called him again in the Fall of 2008 and he told me that he was still under doctors orders not to work and that his heart problem was very serious.

    Then in the early Spring of 2009, I managed to get in touch with him on the phone again and he told me he still wasnt working because of his bad heart.

    I was very surprised when you found out he has been playing tennis again! I also heard that he is trying to get a job at the VA. I dont know if he wants to manage their computers or if he is pretending to be a doctor now but either way I feel sorry for American veterans if Mariano del Rosario is working there!

    The last telephone number I have for him is 650-515-2592. I was told its a telephone number in CA.

    When I try to call the number all I get is a voice mail recording telling me to leave a message. Its obvious that he is hiding. He screens the messages then replies to those he wants to.

    I am praying very hard that you are able to get him to repay me. I have health problems and there is no one else I can run to for help.

    Unlike Mariano del Rosario who has siblings who can help him in many ways, I dont have anyone since my mother died. I dont have brothers or sisters or other relatives who will look out for me. If ever Mariano del Rosario cant afford to pay for a place to stay I am sure his family will let him live with them, and they will feed him and support him. If I lose the roof over my head I dont have anywhere to go and no one to turn to. I will literally be out in the streets. I dont have anyone who will take me in, feed me or support me.

    I get depressed thinking about the injustice he has done to me. He is playing tennis in San Francisco while I am worrying because I cant afford my medication so I cant go back to work and take care of myself. Soon I might lose my apartment. I am having these problems because Mariano del Rosario stole the inheritance left to me by my mother and he knew I was not a rich woman. There is something terribly unjust about that.

  2. faqgirl says:

    I never met Mariano del Rosario but I wish he was never even born. He makes me sick. Good luck with getting her money back for venusvictris!

  3. astou says:

    what you will do to him???!!! 🙂

  4. Avenger says:

    What will I do to him? I will make him famous! 😉

  5. tennislover says:

    I have been following this blog since July. This is a great blog for helping people get justice because the normal ways are too tedious and expensive and they usually only work for rich people anyway.

    I am an avid tennis fan and I play three times a week. If I ever meet Mariano del Rosario I will tell him to his face that I know he rips off people. I will make sure everyone who plays tennis in my club is warned about this unscrupulous man. I wish I played at TennisSF!

    Praying with you that venusvictric gets her money back soon.

  6. Nicki says:

    What’s happening with Venus? I read your blog last Christmas and got totally bummed out. I came back to see if there was a happy ending! I guess not if I can’t find it anywhere on the blog. That whole family is screwed up. Please tell me the ex wife doesn’t still have Venuses earrings! I hope Venus got her operation.

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Mariano del Rosario’s Trail of Tears

venusvictrix says: Yes, the country club where his sons teach football is the same well known country club where Mariano “Juni” del Rosario was hanging out and telling everyone what a great business man he is…the few times I did go to the country club I would see his name posted in the “delinquent accounts” list.

Mariano del Rosario is a very bad boy.

Mariano del Rosario writes bad checks!

How were the delinquents “publicized?” Was there a big sign in the lobby? He claims an “affiliation” (in his konnects profile) with both the Manila Polo Club and the Eagle Ridge Golf and Country Club. Are you referring to either of these?

It was interesting to find that Mariano del Rosario has joined TennisSF (San Francisco’s online tennis league) — and feels it has exceeded his wildest expectations! Am sure he also feels it’s a breeding ground for dupes. Those who have Money usually accept their losses when scammed by someone like Mariano del Rosario. They don’t want the publicity resulting from legal action. Which makes it easier for him to continue paving his road to Hell.

I remember one time he was hired to set up and manage a call center in the Philippines. The business owner had a building where he wanted to start a call center. Somehow Mariano “Juni” del Rosario sweet talked him into hiring him as the managing partner. He was passing himself off as an IT consultant specializing in call centers then.

The businessman spent a huge sum of money to remodel the building and paid for all of the IT equipment Mariano “Juni” del Rosario told him he needed. This man paid the employees hired by Mariano as well and bought Mariano a new car. All of this plus he paid Mariano a lot of money to set up and run the operation.

I was told that after the businessman had finished doing everything Mariano “Juni” del Rosario told him was necessary to get the call center ready, Mariano “Juni” del Rosario was not able to manage the call center properly and he did not deliver all of the big name clients he had promised. Mariano “Juni” del Rosario made a lot of promises to this man and then he couldnt deliver on any of them. To be expected. HA!

After a few months, the businessman fired Mariano “Juni” del Rosario. Of course Mariano has never admitted he was fired but I know he was. He tells everyone that he did everything perfectly and then the business was so wonderful someone else hi-jacked the business from him.

Luckily the businessman saw through Mariano “Juni” del Rosario’s scam and fired him before the business was not salvageable. I hope the businessman was able to hire someone to manage the place properly so he did not lose all of his money because of Mariano del Rosario!

Mariano still got away with everything. He was paid a lot of money and probably got kickbacks on all of the equipment he bought for the company. He also got to keep the car.

Can you get me a name (for the “businessman”)? Any chance he could be the person attached to this email address — rrcagurangan at globetel dot com dot ph?

Mariano del Rosario is a very busy boy. He claims to be “the country representative for Call Center Dialers, specifically Parsec Technologies.” Which country?

Mariano del Rosario also tries to imply that he is/was a major force with Lucent Technologies, IBM, Epson, MVR Systems, Concorde Trading, and more. Why doesn’t Mariano del Rosario just get a job and work if he’s so talented! He wouldn’t have felt it necessary to steal your inheritance.

BTW…do you know whether or not Mariano del Rosario matriculated from the Lasalle Military Academy in Oakdale, NY (Class of ’64)? There’s a Mariano del Rosario listed for that school, on classmates. Cracks me up that a military academy considers itself primarily a “Catholic school.” Jesus must be so proud…

We need to stop screwing around. What’s his banker brother’s name? Do you have any “concrete information” (not yet divulged, herein) regarding Mariano del Rosario’s previous scams? Can you find out if he ever paid his bill at the country club? The polo club? Did he play tennis in the Philippines? I also need every bit of contact info you’ve ever had, no matter how old. And I need the info re the bad checks he wrote when “repaying” the loan you made to him (Mariano del Rosario).

Are you ready to get your money back?!? Let’s go.


  1. venusvictrix says:

    In reply to your questions:

    I do not know where Mariano del Rosario matriculated. I only know that he was born Jan 10,1947 in New York City and he grew up there.

    Unfortunately, I dont know the name of the businessman who wasted his money when he hired Mariano del Rosario to set up and manage his call center but I can find out if you think it is really important for getting my money back from Mariano del Rosario.

    What I have are the details for the bounced checks he gave me.
    Here they are:

    Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company ( Metrobank)
    Tordecillas St – Gil Puyat Ave. Branch, Makati City

    1. Check number 6411452964 dated: June 5, 2007
    2. Check number 6411452953 dated: July 15, 2007
    3. Check number 6411452962 dated: Aug 17, 2007
    4. Check number 6411452945 dated: July 9, 2007

    All the above checks bounced when I deposited them and the bank told me his account was closed.

    I gave the bounced checks to a lawyer. The problem is that Mariano del Rosario left the country right after he gave me these checks. Criminal charges can be filed against him, but since court cases over here takes so long, I dont know how long it would take to put Mariano “Juni” del Rosario behind bars. Also since Mariano del Rosario ran away to the US, even with a guilty verdict he cant be put in prison unless he steps on Philippine soil again.

    I dont have any concrete information about whether he scammed anyone else but I have heard he didn’t pay all of his employees the money he owed them. I am not in the same social circles as Mariano del Rosario was when he was in Manila so I dont know who his friends are or were. We dont have any mutual friends.

    All I know about him is that he is the brother of one of my late Mom’s closest friends. On the basis of that I lent him the money.

    The little that I do know of his activities here is from the things he told me and things his former secretary told me.

    His former secretary told me he paid his delinquent membership dues in the Manila Polo Club before he left. He apparently sold his club share and paid them with the proceeds of that sale. He didn’t want a bad name with rich people but he doesnt care what poor people think about him.

    Yes, he was playing tennis when he was here. He was pratically living in the Manila Polo Club. He would play tennis, eat there, hold meetings there. He was living the life of a retired millionaire!

    After he gave me the bad checks he told me that he had very serious heart problems and had an operation on his heart and his doctor told him he couldnt work or do anything very physical and now he is playing tennis again at the tennis club in San Francisco? He is an awful awful man!

    The only contact info I have for him is an email address and a telephone number in California.

    The last email address he gave me was I have emailed him countless times at this address. Sometimes he replies, sometimes he doesnt. I suppose it depends on who is emailing him. Grrrrrr….

  2. NickLarson says:

    ha ha that dude looks like even he dont believe his lyin ass what a tool

  3. macluvr says:


  4. VINNY NYC says:


  5. George Berko says:

    What a sad story. I hope it will have a happy ending for Venus.

  6. Rupert Bupkis says:

    what an asshole

  7. bigg xero says:

    i hope you make him cry for a long time

  8. Richard says:

    make him pay twice

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The Zen of Mariano Maintenance

venusvictrix says I feel bad about Mariano del Rosario’s sister. My late Mother loved her so much and had only good words for her.

The Avenger

The Avenger

I know this is very difficult for you emotionally, as well as financially. But it’s sad that Nena del Rosario-Villanueva’s love for her dear friend (and your late mother) hasn’t been extended to you. I don’t understand this kind of behavior, but I see it more often than not. Seems to be how we “humans” (and I use the term loosely) are wired.

Mariano del Rosario’s ex-wife was smart and lucky to get out when she did. No one needs to have a man like this around.

I hope she managed to leave with more than the clothes on her back! And that she isn’t suffering, permanently, for having once been married to Mariano del Rosario.

I don’t know about the relationships Mariano del Rosario has with his children. He has four children. All boys. Two of them are very well known soccer players in the Philippines. At least one or maybe even both of them played on the Philippine team in the ASEAN games a few years ago. I have been told that they are currently teaching soccer at the country club where Mariano del Rosario was once a member.

Uh-oh! Would that be the very same country club where Mariano del Rosario was hanging out, every day, when he should have been working? Hope he wasn’t “working” his sons’ students and their families! That would be awful. But it seems Mariano del Rosario has no shame, and would not be above ruining his sons’ reputations if doing so put a few more bucks in his own pockets, however temporarily.

I have wondered what the four sons think of their father. I feel terrible for any children to have a father like Mariano del Rosario and I hope they are not like their father.

They say apples don’t fall far from their trees, but I sprouted legs and ran from the dead wood which passed for mine, so I know it can be done. Of course, I also dropped the family name foisted upon me at birth, which made it easier. Do his children use the del Rosario name?

I do want to get my money back without hurting innocent people but I don’t care what happens to Mariano del Rosario! He has made big problems for a lot of people and I will be very happy if you can help me get my money back and also warn other people so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Let’s get started on his wiki page! If I’m going to avoid using the names of his sister and sons, I’ll need as much info as you’ve got. Is there anything you haven’t already told me? Do you know of any other people who’ve been “ripped off” or otherwise scammed by Mariano del Rosario? Any “unsavory” stories about his business dealings? Do you have any contact information you haven’t divulged, previously? Even if you think it’s outdated, it could still prove very useful.

After we’re sure we have everything, I will approach Mariano del Rosario and give him one final chance to “redeem himself” and repay you. Should he decline my most generous offer, I will personally see to it that he is soon washing dishes for minimum wage…


  1. venusvictrix says:

    Yes, the country club where his sons teach football is the same well known country club where Mariano “Juni” del Rosario was hanging out and telling everyone what a great business man he is.

    I heard that Mariano “Juni” del Rosario owed the country club a huge amount of money in unpaid bills and membership dues. I dont know if he settled his overdue account when he left the country. What I do know is that the few times I did go to the country club I would see his name posted in the “delinquent accounts” list.

    I remember one time he was hired to set up and manage a call center in the Philippines. The business owner (sorry I dont know his name) had a building where he wanted to start a call center. Somehow Mariano “Juni” del Rosario sweet talked him into hiring him as the managing partner. He was passing himself off as an IT consultant specializing in call centers then.

    The businessman spent a huge sum of money to remodel the building and paid for all of the IT equipment Mariano “Juni” del Rosario told him he needed. This man paid the employees hired by Mariano as well and bought Mariano a new car. All of this plus he paid Mariano a lot of money to set up and run the operation.

    I was told that after the businessman had finished doing everything Mariano “Juni” del Rosario told him was necessary to get the call center ready, Mariano “Juni” del Rosario was not able to manage the call center properly and he did not deliver all of the big name clients he had promised. Mariano “Juni” del Rosario made a lot of promises to this man and then he couldnt deliver on any of them. To be expected. HA!

    After a few months, the businessman fired Mariano “Juni” del Rosario. Of course Mariano has never admitted he was fired but I know he was. He tells everyone that he did everything perfectly and then the business was so wonderful someone else hi-jacked the business from him.

    Luckily the businessman saw through Mariano “Juni” del Rosario’s scam and fired him before the business was not salvageable. I hope the businessman was able to hire someone to manage the place properly so he did not lose all of his money because of Mariano del Rosario!

    Mariano still got away with everything. He was paid a lot of money and probably got kickbacks on all of the equipment he bought for the company. He also got to keep the car.

  2. ray booker says:

    read your blog all day
    very disturbing

  3. Hiram Bixby says:

    You’re very, very clever.

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Mariano del Rosario Gets Wikified

venusvictrix says: Mariano was the only one who stayed with my Mom. My Mom didnt mind as it was only for a few months. She did it out of friendship with Mariano’s sister.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Again, I continue to be shocked that Mariano del Rosario’s sister (Natividad “Nena” del Rosario-Villanueva) would place your mother in harm’s way — and then take no responsibility for the resulting havoc (and harm).

Yes, Mariano had a long suffering ex-wife and children. I dont know them well. I met them just a few times.

Congratulations to the ex for having made her escape (from Mariano del Rosario). Woe unto the next woman who falls into his trap. My sympathies to the children. The “sins of the father” should not be visited upon the sons. But they are…

And yes again, that is his sister whose profile you found. I know her as a very nice lady. I understand that she also has problems with Mariano. Well, having a black sheep in the family and having to bail him out will be a problem for anyone.

I absolutely understand that, in memory of your late mother, you wish to think of Nena del Rosario-Villanueva as “a very nice lady,” and, hopefully, she will begin behaving like “a very nice lady!” But she was oh so wrong (and not very “nice”) to have visited Mariano del Rosario upon your late mother — and you. The daughter of one of her closest friends.

And, if Nena del Rosario-Villanueva would loan Mariano del Rosario more money so that he might repay your kindness and generosity, I don’t understand why she would not repay you, directly, upon your request. She will still help her black sheep brother, but she won’t take responsibility for her own actions and help you? Again, these are not the actions of a “very nice lady.”

However! If you wish to be repaid without further sullying the reputation of this woman (Nena del Rosario-Villanueva [the Philippines’ first child prodigy]) — let’s see if we can’t get the banker brother to “assist” Mariano del Rosario in doing the right thing.

What’s the banker brother’s name? And, is there any chance Mariano del Rosario’s children might be able to talk him (Mariano del Rosario) into stepping up to the plate (and then stepping away from his penchance for “doing evil”)? Do you know whether or not he (Mariano del Rosario) has good relationships with his children?

Unfortunately, our best course of action is to thoroughly shame (and scare) Mariano del Rosario into repaying the money he has now stolen (rather than “borrowed”) from you.

Fortunately, I’ll have time, this afternoon or evening, for (where Mariano del Rosario is now only a “stub” of a man. Sounds as though they know him well!  lol). “You can help WikiPilipinas by expanding it.” I live to help…


  1. venusvictrix says:

    I feel bad about Mariano del Rosario’s sister. My late Mother loved her so much and had only good words for her.

    Mariano del Rosario’s ex-wife was smart and lucky to get out when she did. No one needs to have a man like this around.

    I don’t know about the relationships Mariano del Rosario has with his children. He has four children. All boys. Two of them are very well known soccer players in the Philippines. At least one or maybe even both of them played on the Philippine team in the ASEAN games a few years ago. I have been told that they are currently teaching soccer at the country club where Mariano del Rosario was once a member.

    I have wondered what the four sons think of their father. I feel terrible for any children to have a father like Mariano del Rosario and I hope they are not like their father.

    I do want to get my money back without hurting innocent people but I don’t care what happens to Mariano del Rosario! He has made big problems for a lot of people and I will be very happy if you can help me get my money back and also warn other people so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.

  2. Elijah Dean says:

    Its too bad you did not write on Mariano del Rosario’s wiki page. Now that I read about everything what he did I can’t believe Venus will give him another chance – for him to poop on! She is crazy if she thinks he is going to change now and be nice. I don’t think she will get her money back.

  3. teddy lee says:

    how come you don’t do his wiki yet every body need to know about mariano del rosario

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Nena del Rosario-Villanueva?

venusvictrix says: Ok, ok, I give up. You are correct. I should not make excuses for Mariano del Rosario’s family. I was thinking deeply about what you wrote. You are correct I am allowing myself to be a doormat to these people. Maybe I was scared that if I upset them by being too forceful in my demands to get repaid, it would be harder for me to get my money back. It was fear that held me back. Thank you for helping me see myself.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Don’t worry. It’s always easier for others to see us than for us to see ourselves. It was a privilege to hold the mirror for you. Welcome back to the reality-based community!

Mariano del Rosario stayed in my Mom’s place for a few months before he got a place for himself. He had to find a place for himself since his whole family was relocating too.

“His whole family,” as in “Mariano del Rosario, his sister(s) and brother(s)?” Mariano del Rosario, his wife, and his children? Does Mariano del Rosario have a (long-suffering) wife and children?

Was Mariano del Rosario the only person who took advantage of your late mother’s generosity and hospitality? Or were there a number of people staying with your mother (because Mariano del Rosario’s sister was too selfish to take them into her own home or to get them a hotel, and instead chose to put your mother out)? And he/they stayed for — a few months?!?

His sister’s name is Nena del Rosario Villanueva. I dont know much about her except that she was a close trusted friend of my late Mom.

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva

Is this her? Mariano del Rosario’s sister — Nena del Rosario Villanueva — is a pianist? “World-class pianist Natividad (Nena) del Rosario Villanueva, the Philippines’ first piano prodigy?

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva, sister of Mariano del Rosario and a “strong, timeless Filipina with a humanity that transcends history and legacy?

Is this Nena del Rosario Villanueva the sister of the Mariano del Rosario who stole US$55,000 from you, and the woman who snuck Mariano del Rosario into your late mother’s home under cover of her then-stellar reputation?

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva was a child prodigy, appearing as a piano soloist of the manila Symphony Orchestra under Herbert Zipper when she was 10. Influenced by her mother, she tinkered with the piano at age 2 1/2 and performed in public at five. She made her Carnegie Hall debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra after winning a musical competition sponsored by the New York Times. She obtained her artist’s diploma from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia in 1956. She has also taken lessons with the celebrated Vladimir Horowitz and Ilona Kabos. She was once an associate professor at the University of Philippines College of Music.

If so, my favorite part, so far (and I haven’t done much sleuthing, yet) is this bit: Nena del Rosario-Villanueva is a strong, timeless Filipina with a humanity that transcends history and legacy.

If this is the sister of Mariano del Rosario (the Mariano del Rosario who stole your inheritance), I’m afraid the “humanity” of this strong, timeless Filipina is quite suspect, and she will have a “history and legacy” which transcends naught but honesty and integrity.

If this is not the sister who unloaded Mariano del Rosario on your mother, please let me know, asap, so that I can remove all trace of this particular Nena del Rosario Villanueva from the Official Shit List.

I await your confirmation…


  1. venusvictrix says:

    Hi. No Mariano was the only one who stayed with my Mom. My Mom didnt mind as it was only for a few months. She did it out of friendship with Mariano’s sister.

    Yes, Mariano had a long suffering ex-wife and children. I dont know them well. I met them just a few times.

    And yes again, that is his sister whose profile you found. I know her as a very nice lady. I understand that she also has problems with Mariano. Well, having a black sheep in the family and having to bail him out will be a problem for anyone.

  2. Zach says:

    Thank you for this! I found your blog looking for an old recording by Nena del Rosario-Villanueva. You are right that she is very responsible for Mariano del Rosario stealing the money from venusvictrix. I am shocked she would not help. I am a collector and I will never buy another Nena del Rosario-Villanueva recording.

  3. daneka says:

    Hello. I think this story about Mariano del Rosario and his sister is very interesting and also very sad. Now I am even more interested in seeing how the story ends and I hope it is a happy ending for venusvictrex and includes just desserts for this devious man. His sister is just as bad as he is if she sent him to this family and doesn’t care what happened to them after that.

  4. Valkira says:

    Ack, these people sound awful. I was searching for Nena del Rosario-Villanueva because she is supposed to be a great Filipina. She gives Filipinas a bad name! We are not all like that I promise. I hope Venus gets her money back and then this family loses everything they have. They are too greedy and mean and selfish. I HATE people like this! I think you are doing a good thing with this blog. Valkira a proud and HONEST Filipina

  5. jj says:

    Hi, I know Nena del Rosario Villanueva by reputation only. She’s supposed to be a phenomenal pianist and even better than Cecile Licad if she only had a concert career. She had a falling out with a pianist friend when she criticized the other pianist for playing in open public places (hint: luneta, paco park, and the like). Too bad she didn’t share her talent very much and when she had the chance to perform again with orchestra in the recent past, she backed out last minute. I think she performs with a small click of friends in very select, high society circles only. Tsk, tsk.

  6. pearllomax says:

    I used to believe that God will not give great talent to evil people. What Nena del Rosario-Villanueva did to Venus and her mother was pure evil. I saw her perform with Oscar Yatco and it was so beautiful. Now I will always remember her horrible deeds and the memory of her playing is ruined forever. I hope Venus gets her money back from Mariano del Rosario and that her health will be okay. This was a terrible thing but I am glad I found this blog and now I know the truth. God bless.

  7. esperanzasoto says:

    I came for your blog to read of Nena del Rosario-Villanueva and now I am so angry! She play piano like it will be a gift from God but when I hear her in future I will think of the devil. I am shock she does not care at all about the daughter of her close friend! She make these problems when she send her brother for people who love and respect her very much and she use them. I have uncle like Mariano del Rosario and my family always protect the people from him we don’t let him to make problem after we see how he is doing. I am shame that Nena del Rosario-Villanueva is Filipina and she is NOT a great Filipina!!!!! Shame!!!!! I will join many prayer for venusvictrix. Good luck to get her money back I will be very happy when that happen.

  8. Rolf Masevic says:

    Nena del Rosario Villanueva sounds like a typical spoiled pampered selfish rich woman and Mariano del Rosario sounds like a typical spoiled pampered selfish rich man. My sister worked for a family like this for twenty years and she loved them but I will never understand why. They said they loved her too but they treated her like dirt and she still thought they really loved her. My sister died because she got pneumonia and didn’t go to the doctor because the family needed her to keep working for a family wedding and after she died they acted like she died just to make their life more hard. They didn’t even go to my sisters funeral or send flowers. I don’t understand people like this but I know one day they will pay for all of the evil things they do. RM

  9. delRosario Family says:

    What the hell are you people talking about??? You have no clue what the hell you’re talking about…. if you don’t know our family outside of reputations and gossip, then you shouldn’t be giving your 2 cents, which isn’t worth a piece of sh*t anyway.

    Like many other people, Mariano hit a really bad streak of bad luck. He has always been a great father and decent man. He would do anything for his family, as would any good father.

    Where do any of you get the balls to trash someone you don’t know? This is a waste of time….

  10. musicman says:

    Terrible thing. She plays piano like an angel but now I know she is no angel. Her music is made sour for me today.

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