Official Shit List Official Shit List

Time to Shit or Get Off the Pot

venusvictrix says: In fairness to his sister, I met him through my late Mother. When Mariano relocated to Asia, his sister asked my Mother if he could stay in her place for a few weeks until he finds a place of his own. My late Mother agreed. It was while he was staying there that I met him.

The Avenger

The Avenger

VenusVictrix, I’d like you to read the above paragraph with fresh eyes, and then ask yourself in which universe this explanation is “in fairness to his (Mariano del Rosario’s) sister.” Because this is what you’re telling me:

Mariano del Rosario was relocating to Asia; and Mariano del Rosario’s sister, a woman from a wealthy and prominent family, did not open her home to her brother (Mariano del Rosario), nor did she get her brother (Mariano del Rosario) a hotel room or a weekly rental. She asked her dear friend, your late mother, to put him up. I’m guessing your mother also cooked for him. Did she do his laundry? I’m sure she laundered his sheets and towels.

And you’re presenting this “new fact” as a mitigating circumstance which is supposed to absolve Mariano del Rosario’s sister of her responsibility for your introduction to Mariano del Rosario? This speaks well of or “in all fairness to” Mariano del Rosario’s sister exactly how?

When he asked to borrow money, I agreed believing that he is as gracious a person as his sister, my late Mom’s friend. Little did I know he is the black sheep of the family.

So Mariano del Rosario’s sister sent her black sheep into the home of her close friend of many years. With no warning. Mariano del Rosario may be a real piece of work, but I’m afraid his sister sounds equally vile.

When I spoke to his sister last year to help me, I know she talked to him about repaying me. I dont know what she and Mariano talked about. But if Mariano didnt ask her to help him repay, then she would’nt do it on her own.

It should be enough — more than enough — that you asked her to repay the loan! How dare she send this “man” into your home and lives, even with a warning. I don’t know why you’re going out of your way to make excuses for her, but. BASTA!!!

This is why you’re not being repaid! Do you want to be VenusVictrix or VenusVictim?! It’s time to get real. This has gone on long enough.


From what I gather from people who know the family, they have bailed him out in the past. They are not willing to bail him out again.

That’s fine. But Mariano del Rosario’s sister sent him to your door. And but for Mariano del Rosario’s sister, this travesty — the loss of your inheritance from your late mother, in the amount of US$55,000 — would never have happened. Mariano del Rosario and/or his family needs to get willing to right the egregious wrong which was a direct consequence of Mariano del Rosario’s sister’s unconscionable action. Consider yourselves lucky he wasn’t a serial killer!


Maybe he has a long history of making bad loans that the family has had to deal with. Maybe the people who he swindled in the past were too important to ignore.

Who cares?! I don’t, and you certainly shouldn’t. It doesn’t matter why they behave as they do, but that they behave as they do.


I am sure you have noticed that if someone is rich and powerful everyone is nice to them. But if you are an ordinary person without power, without wealth, without anything that people can get from you, you are basically ignored.

Yes, I am well aware of this character defect. But I also know that if one is willing to act as a doormat, others will be happy to treat one as such. You, too, are being “deferential to the powerful.”

Are you familiar with the saying, “God helps those who help themselves?” You have two choices. You can continue making excuses for Mariano del Rosario’s sister, or you can give me the information I have been requesting for several posts, now, and we can go get your money. It’s time to shit or get off the pot.



  1. Konstantin Miller says:

    I have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.

  2. Avenger says:

    You’ve been looking for information about Mariano del Rosario? Information regarding Mariano del Rosario’s sister? Information concerning the kinds of scams for which Mariano del Rosario will soon become world-famous (ponzi schemes, thievery, lying, writing bad checks, etc.)? Information which would give greater insight into the sort of demented soul who (a la Mariano del Rosario’s sister) sends ne’er-do-wells into the homes of unsuspecting friends, and who then refuses to accept any responsibility for the havoc wrought upon said unsuspecting friends’ lives?

    Please be more specific and I’ll see what I can do! As it stands, I can’t decipher whether you want further information regarding Mariano del Rosario and Mariano del Rosario’s sister, or regarding the Mariano del Rosarios and sisters of Mariano del Rosario, everywhere. Hey! That sounds like a new order (or a new cover for other people who enjoy living large off the blood of “little people”): the Sisters of Mariano del Rosario

  3. venusvictrix says:

    Ok, ok, I give up. You are correct. I should not make excuses for Mariano del Rosario’s family. I was thinking deeply about what you wrote. You are correct I am allowing myself to be a doormat to these people. Maybe I was scared that if I upset them by being too forceful in my demands to get repaid, it would be harder for me to get my money back. It was fear that held me back. Thank you for helping me see myself.

    Mariano del Rosario stayed in my Mom’s place for a few months before he got a place for himself. He had to find a place for himself since his whole family was relocating too.

    His sister’s name is Nena del Rosario Villanueva. I dont know much about her except that she was a close trusted friend of my late Mom.

  4. mofomojo says:

    what up wid mariano delrosario now? u need to jack him good.

  5. bassball says:

    too bad venus got off the pot someone need to shit on mariano del rosario what a azzhole

  6. Gloria Devane says:

    Its hard to believe this man did not pay back the money he borrowed. Venuses’ mother was so kind to him and he stole from her daughter! He is such a coward to give her bad checks when he is leaving the country. I hope Venus will be okay and Mariano del Rosario will be in jail!

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Mariano del Rosario: Oh, This Won’t Be Pretty…

venusvictrix says: Hi! Well, it looks like the sister of Mariano “Juni” del Rosario wont cover for him. He also owes her money. So her attitude is that I should just write it off as she has. Easy for her to say. She doesnt need the money. The family has many resources.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Just so we’re clear, here. You spoke with Mariano del Rosario’s sister about her brother, Mariano del Rosario, having borrowed US$55,000 from you, which loan he is refusing to repay (though he occasionally gives you some hope in the form of checks which quickly bounce), and she refused to help you, saying that you should “just write it off?”

Did you remind her (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) it was she (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario? Did you remind her (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) that she (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) was known to you (Mariano del Rosario’s victim [soon to be victrix!]) as one of your late mother’s best friends, for many years? And that she (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) didn’t warn you never to loan money to her brother (Mariano del Rosario)?

Mariano del Rosario’s sister is a very wealthy woman from a very wealthy family, and yet she (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) refused to help you, saying that you should “just write it off?” Is that what you’re telling me?


I feel that if he talks to her to lend him the money to repay me, she will. I dont know if he has done so. I wish he would.

Honestly? And this is an observation, not an insult. I can see why Mariano del Rosario isn’t repaying you, and why Mariano del Rosario’s sister has been dicking you around. You, the daughter of one of her best friend’s (now deceased), to whom she (Mariano del Rosario’s sister) introduced Mariano del Rosario.

Until now, you’ve made it clear to them that you’re going to wait and pray for them to do the right thing, and if they don’t do the right thing, you’ll be sad. It’s time to stop pussy-footin’ around and bring the hammer down.


He (Mariano del Rosario’s brother — a mucky-muck with the Bank of Asia, was it?) is another option Mariano del Rosario has. It may not be fair, but bankers having brothers like Mariano del Rosario — brothers who steal large sums of money and write bad checks — is frowned upon. He (Mariano del Rosario’s brother) can repay you and work out a repayment plan with Mariano del Rosario.

The post I made about Michael Jackson is already indexed in google (and many other search engines). It shouldn’t be long until a search for Mariano del Rosario brings up this series of posts, individually.

Please give me more names, and any other information you have, but have not yet divulged. I’ll take this directly to Mariano del Rosario, personally. If we don’t get a promise to pay within 24 hours and your money back in 48 hours, it’s on to the VA, the BBB, corporate licensing agencies, his “social networking” contacts, USF, business associates, his priests, etc…and that’s only for starters.

Not giving you your money back, especially when he does have resources, will prove the most expensive and life-altering decision Mariano del Rosario has made, to date. We at OfficialShitList will see to that.



  1. venusvictrix says:

    In fairness to his sister, I met him through my late Mother. When Mariano relocated to Asia, his sister asked my Mother if he could stay in her place for a few weeks until he finds a place of his own. My late Mother agreed. It was while he was staying there that I met him.

    When he asked to borrow money, I agreed believing that he is as gracious a person as his sister, my late Mom’s friend. Little did I know he is the black sheep of the family.

    When I spoke to his sister last year to help me, I know she talked to him about repaying me. I dont know what she and Mariano talked about. But if Mariano didnt ask her to help him repay, then she would’nt do it on her own.

    From what I gather from people who know the family, they have bailed him out in the past. They are not willing to bail him out again. Maybe he has a long history of making bad loans that the family has had to deal with. Maybe the people who he swindled in the past were too important to ignore.

    Unfortunately, I am the one who appears to be the least important in their eyes. If I were some big name in the business community or some socialite or society figure, I am sure Mariano would move heaven and earth to repay me. But since I am not anyone “important” to them, no one will lend a helping hand.

    I am sure you have noticed that if someone is rich and powerful everyone is nice to them. But if you are an ordinary person without power, without wealth, without anything that people can get from you, you are basically ignored. Sad but true.

  2. phil dulay says:

    i read all these posts. she believes man like this will pay her back if shes nice? hahaha so stupid.

  3. Amber Grey says:

    I agree this man will never pay Venus now. To bad she gave him another chanse he will think its okay now to steal from more people. He will never get in jail because he steals from poor women who are scared to fight back. Mariano del Rosario is a skunk he stinks!

  4. edmcdonald says:

    thanks for doing this blog. guys like mariano del rosario almost always get away with stealing and somebody has to stop them. i was doing research on call centers but bookmark you and will watch what happens. this could be a good web site to help a lot of people.

  5. Alan Sheppard says:

    I read your blog and this whole family sounds wack. It reminds me of the old saying about how behind every great fortune is a great crime. I bet they have a lot of criminals in their family but you only know about Mariano even though what his sister did is a crime too. I hope Venus gets her money back but also that people will learn to never loan money or do any business with the del Rosario family! I think its true that almost all rich people got rich by stealing. Too bad the laws are only to keep poor people from stealing little things but they help rich people steal everything. Then they give some of their money to a church and think God is proud of them. That is SICK.

  6. Celine D'Or says:

    This man sound so bad if I meet him I will spit. Why the peoples with money and the rich family always have easy time to steal and the poor peoples will go to jail for long time if they take small thing from the rich person? The life is not fair I know. This story make me very sad but I will never forget Mariano del Rosario name. I hope Venus will be ok even if she will not get her money back.

  7. bobkeillor says:

    mariano del rosario is like every rich guy i know. they think they deserve anything they want and no one else matters. most funniest comment on your blog is the guy who said he needs to have his ass kicked until money comes out. i hope venus gets her money back and learnd her lesson not to trust rich people again.

  8. evitamorales says:

    Men like Mariano del Rosario make me sick. He is not a real man he is a little boy who needs to be spanked. If he wants to live off women he should find a rich woman who wants to support him but I think he has a very small penis and he is always soft so no woman will want him.

  9. uncleted says:

    i agree this guy needs his ass kicked good and hard

  10. Flora Davies says:

    I can’t believe Mariano del Rosario sister would not help! He stole but she was wrong to put her evil brother in Venuses mom’s house. Maybe this family is rich but they act like trash.

  11. zebraspots says:

    I always wonder what people like this see when they look in the mirror. Disgusting!

  12. Obed Zapata says:

    I would kick Mariano del Rosario’s ass with pleasure! His sister needs a spanking too. I hope everything comes out ok for Venus.

  13. Andy C. says:

    Mariano del Rosario sounds like a huge douche. Real men don’t take advantage of women. Somebody needs to teach him a lesson.

  14. Diana Winfield says:

    Thank you for this blog! I hope you can help Venus get her money back and then help a lot of other people. Mariano del Rosario isn’t the only assh*le in this world he’s just a really big one.

  15. fredwilson says:

    i’d like to run into del rosario in a dark alley i bet this punk would start crying before i even touched him guys like him are always big pussys

  16. CorinneR says:

    I feel sorry for Venus but I feel more sorry for the children of Mariano del Rosario. I would be so embarrassed to have everyone know he is my father. I hope Venus gets her money back. Corinne

  17. Gena Marx says:

    People like Mariano del Rosario are the reason this world is so messed up. I don’t understand how he can show his face in church!

  18. Sylvia Timms says:


  19. DTaggart says:

    Reading about Mariano del Rosario gave me the worst headache I have had in years and years. I hope this blog is even a worse headache for him and his headache lasts for years and years. People in America are hard to shame now though, especially if they are rich. They don’t care what other people think and a lot of them are proud if they are successful thiefs. I know people like that who say if they are good at stealing it means they are smarter than the people they steal from. I hope del Rosario can still feel shame or at least lose the chance to steal from new victims and I hope Venus gets her money back and never loans it to anyone again if she doesn’t know all their true past.

  20. charlie toona says:

    I hope you mess up his life as bad as he messes up everybody else and Venus will get her money back. Mariano del Rosario sounds just like my last boss. What a loser!

  21. Steve Stephens says:

    You need to get Dog the bounty hunter to drag his ass back to the Phillipines and put him in front of a judge! If I stole 55 thousand dollars and wrote four bad checks I would be in jail. Mariano del Rosario needs to shack up with Bubba for a few years.

  22. Raven Maniac says:

    Thank you for doing this blog. It would be a pleasure to see Mariano del Rosario suffer for what he is doing.

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Is Mariano del Rosario Doomed?

venusvictrix says:  Something else I just found out today. Mariano del Rosario has been applying for a job with the office of Veterans Affairs in CA. I hope they do a background check on him.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Don’t worry. If Mariano del Rosario’s sister won’t repay the debt — as she should, at this point, since she was a trusted friend of your late mother and the person who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario, sans disclaimer — and then collect from her brother (Mariano del Rosario), herself…trust me. The VA will learn of Mariano del Rosario’s serious character flaws.

And, it should only be a matter of a few more days until anyone searching for information regarding Mariano del Rosario will find Official Shit List at the top of their search returns. Apologies to the artist, Mariano del Rosario.

I also found out that his credit cards in the Philippines were cancelled due to non-payment. He has a bad track record with Citibank too. I hope credit card companies over there dont ever issue him a card. This man is a swindler!

Mariano del Rosario may well be a swindler (flim-flam man, con artist, thief, whatever), but I will never pull out my violin for a credit-card company. Especially not citibank! However, I would certainly put them on my dance card should we continue moving forward (regarding Mariano del Rosario).

Let me try to call his sister one more time before I reveal her name. Maybe she has had a change of heart since I last spoke to her. I will update you within the day.

Absolutely no problem! This is your life and your money, and I would also rather see this settled without completely destroying Mariano del Rosario’s life and future possibilities (though Mariano del Rosario brought this upon himself, and Mariano del Rosario must be stopped).

It is my fervent hope that Mariano del Rosario’s sister repays you within the next 48 hours and then sets up a repayment schedule with Mariano del Rosario. He will learn just how easily he can be ruined, and (hopefully) he will be aware that these blog entries remain archived should he decide to continue stealing from the have-nots so that he might have more.

Note to self:  Put Jesuit schools and his Catholic Diocese on my dance card, just in case. If the sister doesn’t care what’s right (and what’s written. And whether or not her brother, Mariano del Rosario, is ever again able to find employment), maybe his priest can have a talk with him. Couldn’t hurt to have a talk with her priest, too.

Let’s hope none of this is necessary, and that you have your money back, shortly. And that Mariano del Rosario turns over a new leaf. And that his sister will never again remain silent when her silence allows evil to flourish.

Godspeed, VenusVictrix!


  1. davy cobb says:

    Dont worry Mariano del Rosario will not get away with these things for ever. I hope you get your money back before he has to spend all of your money on attorney fees!

  2. venusvictrix says:

    Hi! Well, it looks like the sister of Mariano “Juni” del Rosario wont cover for him. He also owes her money. So her attitude is that I should just write it off as she has.

    Easy for her to say. She doesnt need the money. The family has many resources.

    I feel that if he talks to her to lend him the money to repay me, she will. I dont know if he has done so. I wish he would.

  3. cobber says:

    is mariano del rosario doomed?
    I HOPE SO!!!!

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Lighting a Candle for Mariano del Rosario

venusvictrix says:  Yes!!!! that is the Mariano del Rosario lll I am talking about. Thats his picture too. From what I have researched it appears that his businesses in the Philippines have been closed down. The Web Developer Owner address you found is something new. Maybe thats the business he is trying to put up in San Mateo, CA. A new pie-in-the sky business most probably.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Good to know that we’re on the right scent. Not surprised to learn that the Philippine offices and businesses of Mariano del Rosario have come undone. Wonder if Mariano del Rosario is known for this sort of thing in England, Germany, New York City, and St. Louis.

Before inquiring about Mariano del Rosario with IBM; Lucent Technologies, Inc; Epson America; Concorde Trading Corporation; MVR Systems (Contractor w XXcal), Micronetics International, GlobeQuest, etc. (ad nauseam), we should give Mariano del Rosario’s family one last chance to save him (from himself).

I need names. Especially the name of the sister who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario. I’m guessing she already knew not to do so without offering a disclaimer. Her family pride and family’s shame caused her to behave very irresponsibly, and her silence cost you US$55,000 you can ill afford to lose.

Our increased efforts to get your loan to Mariano del Rosario repaid will have far-reaching consequences for Mariano del Rosario, and for his family. Before we rend the fabric of his life, irreparably, and on several continents, let’s see if Mariano del Rosario’s family won’t step up to the plate. If for no other reason than to honor the memory of your mother.



  1. venusvictrix says:

    Hi! Something else I just found out today. Mariano del Rosario has been applying for a job with the office of Veterans Affairs in CA. I hope they do a background check on him.

    I also found out that his credit cards in the Philippines were cancelled due to non-payment. He has a bad track record with Citibank too. I hope credit card companies over there dont ever issue him a card. This man is a swindler!

    Let me try to call his sister one more time before I reveal her name. Maybe she has had a change of heart since I last spoke to her.

    I will update you within the day.

  2. Jackie Raye says:

    I wish you really got this guy good. Mariano del Rosario sounds like a total sleeze and his sister too. I agree now Venus will not get her money back but I hope someone else he steals from will not give him ANY chances!

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VenusVictrix Rides Again!

venusvictrix says: My apologies for disappearing. My past few days have been spent trying to sell some of my things. I need the cash to pay my bills. I take daily medications for my asthma, so the medicine bills can add up to a pretty penny.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Very sorry to hear of your hardship; very glad you’ve come to us. Hopefully, you will soon be breathing more easily.

If Mariano del Rosario lll paid me back what he owed me, I wouldnt be in tight financial straits.

So! Mariano del Rosario III borrowed US$55,000 from you — US$55,000 being your inheritance when your mother died — but Mariano del Rosario III has not paid you back, though the loan was supposed to be a temporary “bridge,” in 2004? And you loaned this money to Mariano del Rosario III because Mariano del Rosario III is the brother of one of your (late) mother’s best friends, because Mariano del Rosario III comes from a prominent family, and because Mariano del Rosario III was once an executive at Lucent Technologies?

Yes, thats his name, Mariano del Rosario lll. The nickname he used when he was here in Asia is “Juni”. His birthday is Jan 10,1947, born in New YorK City.

Might you be referring to the MARIANO DEL ROSARIO who says he’s the President and owner of Global Call International, Inc?

This Mariano del Rosario says he went to the University of San Francisco — a Jesuit school (one can major in Con-Artistry at a Jesuit school?! Jesus must be thrilled).

This Mariano del Rosario also claims to have been “Country Manager – Fiber Optics at Lucent Technologies” and “Vice President Information Technology at Concorde Trading Corp.” This Mariano del Rosario certainly sounds like your Mariano del Rosario (III)!

And it looks as though your MARIANO DEL ROSARIO III gets around. Here he is in the Philippines, where he again lists himself as President of Global Call International, Inc., and lists his email address as

Mariano V. del Rosario III

Mariano del Rosario III

Mariano del Rosario is on plaxo, too! Where he also uses the name “Mike.” And the name “Juan.” Love the “corporate” photo. Maybe he should’ve invested some of your US$55,000 in a studio shoot.

I wonder if Mariano del Rosario’s plaxo friends Rhizaldy Reblora, Chifai Yeung, George Hackett, Jon P Lowry, Gene McCubbin, Liza del Rosario, Marie-Marguerite Agcaoili, Surj Sondhi, Tad Abello, and Rolando Gosiengfiao know he’s a flim-flam man. Bet you wish someone had warned you about Mariano del Rosario before you loaned him US$55,000!

Interesting that he says he lives in Burlingame. Yet I’ve found no listings for Mariano del Rosario in Burlingame. Loads in San Mateo, though! But if you want to impress someone in the Bay Area, you sure as hell don’t tell them you live in San Mateo. Burlingame sounds much better (though I’m guessing Mariano del Rosario doesn’t invite potential marks to his home — an apartment in San Mateo? Those who prefer to have no assets which might be found and attached tend to rent rather than own. And unless things have changed, radically, there are no apartment complexes in Burlingame). I could believe Mariano del Rosario has a box at the Burlingame post office. That’d be a typical con-artist move.

I have spoken to his sister regarding Mariano’s debt to me. She said she would talk to him. That was last year. Since then, nothing from her.

Let me get this straight:  Mariano del Rosario’s sister was one of your late mother’s best friends, Mariano del Rosario’s sister introduced you to Mariano del Rosario, and Mariano del Rosario’s sister did not warn you about her brother (Mariano del Rosario).

So you loaned Mariano del Rosario US$55,000, then Mariano del Rosario alternated between refusing to repay you and giving you bad checks, you spoke with Mariano del Rosario’s sister about this debt, she promised to speak with her brother, Mariano del Rosario, and then she — the sister of Mariano del Rosario, a close friend of your late mother, a woman from a very wealthy family who could easily cover this debt and seek redress from her brother (Mariano del Rosario) — completely ignores you?

What’s Mariano del Rosario’s sister’s name.

If you can get any information about Mariano del Rosario lll, his present whereabouts, please let me know. All I have is a telephone number in CA which he doesnt answer.

Looks as though he’s iffy all over the place. He’s got a very meagre presence in a Philippine government catalog, and has no jobs to offer on a call-center directory job site.

Wouldn’t want to be Micronetics International, Inc! Mariano del Rosario seems to have hitched his wagon to their star. Although…let’s not jump to conclusions. Micronetics International, Inc could also be just another front for Mariano del Rosario. A corporate sock-puppet.

“Global Call International, Inc. is an affiliate of Micronetics International, Inc. Micronetics is a five-year-old company whose management has over one hundred collective years of professional experience in telecoms and computer systems. Global Call International was formed in response to the need for cost-effective and feature-rich call center solutions here in the Philippines. GCI has been tapped to be the exclusive distributor of Parsec Technologies call center software in the Philippines.”

Do you suppose Mariano del Rosario’s Micronetics International is this bunch? They’re also associated through this guide to companies in the Philippines — where editing profiles to correct mistakes is encouraged! I would suggest you, as the aggrieved party, might wish to add a comment regarding Mariano del Rosario and Global Call International, Inc.

It’s funny that a big cheese like Mariano del Rosario wouldn’t have a website for Global Call International, Inc. How does one pull off tech scams, in this day and age, without a website?! I’m guessing one goes after small fish rather than big. Although US$55,000 might seem like a lot of money to us, it’s a pittance in terms of corporate theft. Which means Mariano del Rosario isn’t even in the big leagues as a scammer.

Which leaves the impression that Mariano del Rosario targets mini-marks, and, as he (Mariano del Rosario) did with you, Mariano del Rosario (assisted by his alter egos, “Mike,” “Juan” and “Juni”) then absconds with their entire life savings (and inheritances). Even more reason to stop Mariano del Rosario in his tracks.

It’s interesting to note that Global Call International, Inc. is listed at with the same Makati City address and a website (, but the contact email is (does that name look familiar to you?).

Many thanks again!

You’re most welcome, VenusVictrix! I’ll keep working on this — and cannot wait for you to divulge the name of the sister who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario, the man who borrowed US$55,000 dollars from you and who then gave you sorry excuses and bad checks.

This should prove very interesting. Let’s hope we can put the kibosh on his ability to ensnare others in his web. Maybe we can even get new accommodations for him, just down the hall from Madoff (unless Madoff has Ken Lay’s plastic surgeon on stand-by, awaiting Madoff’s “heart attack”).

Although I would never wish your situation upon anyone, I am hoping that other victims of Mariano del Rosario scams will come out of the woodwork. I hope potential victims of Mariano del Rosario scams see this and run! And I sincerely hope his family (especially the sister of Mariano del Rosario who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario) will assist you in getting your money back.

It’s very sad that going to Jesuit schools and daily mass is still such a good cover for con artists. I’ll never understand the reverence given to an organization which amasses wealth (“in God’s name”) as the masses starve. How many gold rooms would Jesus have? How many gold rooms does Mariano del Rosario desire? On the other hand, perhaps Mariano del Rosario would be satisfied merely to get out of his apartment in San Mateo. He (Mariano del Rosario) would have much bigger hauls were he (Mariano del Rosario) running his cons out of a mansion in Burlingame…

G/F Midland Bldg.
403 Buendia Ave., Makati City

Tel No:  (632) 897-8557 to 59
Fax No:  (632) 897-5117

E Mail:
Position:  President

Ground Floor Midland Bldg.
403 Buendia Avenue
Makati City, Metro Manila,

Contact No:  (632) 757-8378
Fax No:  (632) 739-0106


Nice google profile, Mariano del Rosario!

Mariano del Rosario
Web Developer Owner at GCI
San Francisco (Burlingame)

Where I grew up: New York City
Places I’ve lived: Germany, England, Philippines; St. Louis, MO
Companies I’ve worked for: IBM; Lucent Technologies, Inc; Epson America; Concorde Trading Corporation; MVR Systems (Contractor w XXcal)
Schools I’ve attended: USF, CSM


  1. venusvictrix says:

    Wonderful! You found his profile. Yes!!!! that is the Mariano del Rosario lll I am talking about. Thats his picture too.

    I believe his office in the Philippines is closed. I found out that the building owner padlocked it and confiscated whatever was in there when Mariano del Rosario didnt pay his rent for months. This was shortly before he returned to the US.

    From what I have researched it appears that his businesses in the Philippines have been closed down.

    The Web Developer Owner address you found is something new. Maybe thats the business he is trying to put up in San Mateo, CA. A new pie-in-the sky business most probably.

  2. mercerd says:

    very interesting. where do you find so much information about such people?

  3. alinatrump says:

    Mariano del Rosario can change his name but he will never change his spots. He is SCUM!!!!! I hope you can put him in prison.

  4. Alice Beatty says:

    Make Mariano del Rosario hurt! I had to drop out of school in 2007 because someone just like him stole all the money I saved for college. He used his friendship with my grandmother to lie and steal from me. Now I know I was just being stupid but then I thought I was being nice. He promised he would have the money to pay me back when his inheritance came but when it came he took all of that money and ran to another country. I HATE people like Mariano del Rosario!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Nonny says:

    I was feeling really happy beofre I read this story. People like Mariano del Rosario make me sick! I hope now he is getting in trouble and you get your money back. He is a monster!

  6. Frosider says:

    Its possible Mariano del Rosario in trouble again from something else and you don’t even know. I think he always stealing. I know many people like him they never stop. I hope you are lucky to get your money back.

  7. Unity says:

    Mariano del Rosario is one of the people who thinks God will believe his lies on Judgement Day. He is very stupid and a very bad man. I hope you will have good luck getting the money for Venus. She was trying to be nice and he made big problems for her. I will pray for her and I know God will take care of Mariano del Rosario.

  8. AdamsRib says:

    This story is very sad. I hope Venus get’s her money back. Mariano del Rosario is a criminal. He should be in jail. I hope more people find your website and no one else will lose there money.

  9. tennisape says:

    I cant believe the things I read here. This is awful! I hope Mariano del Rosario will go home to the devil soon but first give venusvixtric her money. I dont understand how people can be so evil and nothing happens to them but always bad things happen to good people. I hope Mariano del Rosario will not get a chance to steal from other people before he goes to HELL!!

  10. raymedownes says:

    I hope everything is okay and you are getting your money back from Mariano del Rosario now. Sad story. Great blog!

  11. brian zeta says:

    you are right to make problems for mariano del rosario. he gives all entraprinures a bad reputation and makes it hard for us. good blog.

  12. chelseany says:

    Hello! Great blog. I agree with the poster who said it is like a mystery. I hope you help Venus get her money back and she will have a happy ending!

  13. buoyrider says:

    i read all your blog today and i hope you make big problems for mariano before he can steal from anyone else! that will be SWEET.

  14. jack goodman says:

    I read your blog and Venus needs to grow a spine if she wants her money back! I dont know Mariano del Rosario but I do know if she is weak in trying to make him pay he will keep stealing until he steals from the wrong person. The wrong person will be weak too because ass hats like him always go after the weakest people usually women but the wrong person will have a son or a brother like me who will kick his stealing ass until money comes out!

  15. Victor Victoria says:


  16. tfosdick says:

    I feel very sorry for Venus and I hope she gets her money back from Mariano del Rosario soon then I hope he will go to prison with Bubba.

  17. rogerbabbitt says:

    guys like this are scum of the earth but chicks can be so stupid i would never borrow someone all my money

  18. Tori Fan says:

    I agree don’t stop get this guy and MAKE HIM PAY!

  19. singlegrrl says:

    Your blog makes me so mad reading this! My boyfriend I trusted did the same thing to me but he is in jail now for something else. I hope he never gets out and I hope Mariano del Rosario will be in the cell right next to him soon! I hate people who steal and don’t work.

  20. Jenny Hopper says:

    I read almost all your blog and I vote for you to get this guy too. Please don’t stop until he is in jail!

  21. Vana Carlysle says:

    Don’t let him get away with stealing all her money! Don’t stop until everyone knows the name Mariano del Rosario and he can’t even get a job picking up dog poop on the street! HE MAKES ME SICK AND HIS SISTER TOO! They are very bad people I don’t know how they can go to church and pretend they love Jesus. SICK SICK SICK! You have a nice blog. I will keep looking here to see if Venus gets her money.

  22. Hayley Cochran says:

    Mariano del Rosario sounds like a typical scumbag. I hope you don’t give up and I hope you make it impossible for him to steal from anyone else in the future. Good luck! This is a good blog and you sound like good people. HC

  23. Frank Keppler says:

    Good blog. Ream this guy!

  24. max freeman says:

    i am going to pray for venus to get her money back and for mariano del rosario to GO TO JAIL! when i read he gave her 4 check for a bank account he closed and then he ran back to america my blood was boiled. people like him with no conciense will do any thing for money and they always go to church all the time they are the WORST!

  25. lacymacy says:

    I love you for this blog! I hate assh*les like Mariano del Rosario!! I wish rich people would steal from each other only and leave poor people alone but they won’t be happy until they have everybodys money. That sucks! Lacy

  26. bendigger says:

    definately get this a-hole
    make him pay
    dont give up easy

  27. gabraham says:

    I would pay good money to watch this little prick get his. I would bet good money that’s his problem too. A little prick.

  28. jimtank says:

    i hope venus does not let him go this guy mariano del rosario is bad news i agree you should kick his ass til money falls out!

  29. Missy Durbin says:

    I hope you dont stop until Venus has her money from this effing man Mariano del Rosario!!!!!

  30. Valerie R. says:

    How are you going to get Venus her money back? Mariano del Rosario is a terrible person. I know some men like him and I am so happy I never loaned them any money!

  31. doreme says:

    I hope you get your money back!!

  32. percy two says:

    good blog.
    i hope you can help.

  33. Veronica X says:

    Good luck! I hope you get your money back with interest. Rich criminals never go to jail but they can still lose everything when they have a very bad reputation. I love the internet for that.

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