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Lighting a Candle for Mariano del Rosario

venusvictrix says:  Yes!!!! that is the Mariano del Rosario lll I am talking about. Thats his picture too. From what I have researched it appears that his businesses in the Philippines have been closed down. The Web Developer Owner address you found is something new. Maybe thats the business he is trying to put up in San Mateo, CA. A new pie-in-the sky business most probably.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Good to know that we’re on the right scent. Not surprised to learn that the Philippine offices and businesses of Mariano del Rosario have come undone. Wonder if Mariano del Rosario is known for this sort of thing in England, Germany, New York City, and St. Louis.

Before inquiring about Mariano del Rosario with IBM; Lucent Technologies, Inc; Epson America; Concorde Trading Corporation; MVR Systems (Contractor w XXcal), Micronetics International, GlobeQuest, etc. (ad nauseam), we should give Mariano del Rosario’s family one last chance to save him (from himself).

I need names. Especially the name of the sister who introduced you to Mariano del Rosario. I’m guessing she already knew not to do so without offering a disclaimer. Her family pride and family’s shame caused her to behave very irresponsibly, and her silence cost you US$55,000 you can ill afford to lose.

Our increased efforts to get your loan to Mariano del Rosario repaid will have far-reaching consequences for Mariano del Rosario, and for his family. Before we rend the fabric of his life, irreparably, and on several continents, let’s see if Mariano del Rosario’s family won’t step up to the plate. If for no other reason than to honor the memory of your mother.



  1. venusvictrix says:

    Hi! Something else I just found out today. Mariano del Rosario has been applying for a job with the office of Veterans Affairs in CA. I hope they do a background check on him.

    I also found out that his credit cards in the Philippines were cancelled due to non-payment. He has a bad track record with Citibank too. I hope credit card companies over there dont ever issue him a card. This man is a swindler!

    Let me try to call his sister one more time before I reveal her name. Maybe she has had a change of heart since I last spoke to her.

    I will update you within the day.

  2. Jackie Raye says:

    I wish you really got this guy good. Mariano del Rosario sounds like a total sleeze and his sister too. I agree now Venus will not get her money back but I hope someone else he steals from will not give him ANY chances!