Official Shit List Official Shit List

Getting Busy Getting Justice

The Avenger

The Avenger

No matter how thoroughly one has been ripped off or betrayed, going after the culprit/s can prove an emotionally disruptive and “scary” course of action. No fan of confrontation, many is the time I chose to “let it go” rather than seek “justice.” It’s always been easier to wage these “campaigns” on behalf of others rather than for myself, and I never like to “hurt” anyone. I’m simply driven to “make things right,” whenever possible.

I hope we haven’t lost VenusVictrix now that it’s time to reveal the name of the con artist who managed to steal $55,000 from him or her. The story checked out, as did the identification. I’m doubting there’s been any change in his/her situation, but know that airing dirty laundry in public may seem a frightening prospect.

Should VenusVictrix not reappear, soon, we will put that case on the back burner and be open to another pot-boiler, so — please feel free to let us know if you need help (and are ready to go public)!

Welcome & Fuck You!

Welcome & Fuck You!

In the meantime, here’s a unique way to support our work and tell the shitheads in your life that they are on your Official Shit List.

This beauty is from our Say It with Sewage Collezione. When words and others fail you, send a message that is impossible to misconstrue.

Those interested in “global shitheads” might wish to follow us (MyShitList) on twitter!

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A Page Is Born

Michael asks:  New details about Michael Jackson’s Death Emerge
I was wondering if you were going to blog about this…

It's a Scream

It's a Scream

Hadn’t planned on it. But I’ve had Man In The Mirror on a loop for the past 24 hours, while cogitating the Shit List possibilities. Music has an indescribably profound effect upon the sentient, and Michael Jackson was a unique conundrum.

Who or what does one put on the Official Shit List? Joe Jackson? Michael? Big Pharma? Human Nature? Human Frailty? God?

Sadly, although most real-life travesties and tragedies lack soundtracks, it’s always shit o’clock, somewhere. So, what the hell. Since you asked, I will blog about the life and death of Michael Jackson. It will launch the second page on Official Shit List: the Daily Dump.


  1. marylee says:

    I am disgusted that Mariano del Rosario is not in jail. Why do rich people always get away with there BIG crimes and poor people go to jail for little crimes that don’t even matter most of the time? I hope venus gets her money back but I hope more that Mariano del Rosario will have to pay for his crimes very soon!

  2. lonnie says:

    great site good job i read your whole blog!

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Sleazy Is As Sleazy Does

venusvictrix says:  The reason I didnt know this man as well as his sister was that he lived abroad. Oh, I better clarify things. I am living in Asia. This man was living and working in the US all his life. I met him through my Mom and his sister when he relocated to Asia.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Ahhhhh, okay. Got it. Did he stay long in Asia? Or just long enough to get money from his family members’ friends and associates.

I recently discovered he also borrowed money from his sister and other members of his family. I dont think he paid them back either but they would be more forgiving. They are very well off. A few hundred thousand dollars wont make a dent in their finances.

Well, in that case — have you thought about asking them to repay you and then collect [or eat] the debt, themselves? If they introduced you to this “man” without telling you to watch your wallet, it would seem they might wish to accept some responsibility for your predicament. Especially if they’re loaded and you’re not. It would make sense, simply out of respect for the friendship with your mother.

Now he is back in the US again. Somewhere in SF or LA. He moved there about a year ago. Before he left, he told me he was setting up a business in CA. He left me post dated checks that he promised would clear. They bounced.

Were the checks written on an American bank account? That’s illegal, and we could cause him some serious legal problems if he doesn’t repay you. He could also be held liable for penalties as much as three times the amounts of the checks which bounced. Collecting can be a problem if he has nothing, however. I’m still thinking that going through his family might be our best course of action.

I think that he is kiting or running a Ponzi scheme. He borrows from A to pay B. Now I know that he is a lousy businessman but his huge ego would never let him admit that he cant run a business properly.

If only this were unusual.

One time I was pressing him to repay me and he got a call from a travel agent telling him the cost for a trip in two weeks for his son. I was sitting there and heard the whole conversation. His son was going to follow a girl to Paris for the summer. This man was happy to pay for a very expensive trip for his hormonal son and then sadly tell me he cant repay me!

And I repeat — if only this were unusual.

Now I know this man is definitely a loser in every sense of the word! I hope you can help me get my money back because now I am in a very desperate situation. He knows I am not wealthy like his family. What can we do?

Well, you can start by divulging his name. It would also be helpful to know the names of the brother who works for the bank and of the sister who introduced you to him. We need names!


  1. Michael says:

    New details about Michael Jackson’s Death Emerge
    I was wondering if you were going to blog about this…

  2. venusvictrix says:

    Hi! My apologies for disappearing. My past few days have been spent trying to sell some of my things. I need the cash to pay my bills. I take daily medications for my asthma, so the medicine bills can add up to a pretty penny.

    If Mariano del Rosario lll paid me back what he owed me, I wouldnt be in tight financial straits.

    Yes, thats his name, Mariano del Rosario lll. The nickname he used when he was here in Asia is “Juni”. His birthday is Jan 10,1947, born in New YorK City.

    In reply to your question, yes, I have spoken to his sister regarding Mariano’s debt to me. She said she would talk to him. That was last year. Since then, nothing from her.

    If you can get any information about Mariano del Rosario lll, his present whereabouts, please let me know. All I have is a telephone number in CA which he doesnt answer.

    Many thanks again!

  3. K. Taliafero says:

    Since you have curse words on your blog I don’t understand why you use a nice word like sleazy for this man. I never curse but this story makes me think of many bad words for him. It gives me a headache.

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VenusVictrix: The Plot Thickens

venusvictrix says [abridged]:  this man owes me 55,000 American dollars. It was a personal loan. He was starting a call center. He said he had invested all of his own money but needed a bridge until his other funds became available or the business received payment of very large invoices. It was only supposed to be temporary. He got personal loans from me and several other people.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Welcome to the Official Shit List case files, VenusVictrix! It will be an absolute pleasure to assist you; this is precisely the sort of thing we had in mind when we bought the domain. All we ask is that, if it would not prove a hardship, you remember us when he repays you.

His sister was a close friend of my Mother. They were friends for a very long time before Mom died. Because of the friendship between my Mom and this man’s sister I loaned him the money.

Why did you not know this man as well as you knew the rest of his family? Did there seem to be a legitimate reason for this “distance?” Yet he felt he knew you well enough to ask you for money? Does his family not have money? I would guess they did and do, since you said he was from a “prominent” family. Did you not find it strange that he asked to borrow money from you, rather than from his family? Or from the brother who’s connected to a major bank?!

Please don’t think I’m being accusatory. I’m simply trying to understand the situation more completely. And I’m nothing if not “direct.” I’ve also been fooled more times than I care to admit — though it’s been a very long time since the last sad occasion. I’m sure you’re much wiser, now, too.

He would tell me stories about all of the work he was doing for his business, but I later found out that he was constantly at a country club playing golf and tennis, and socializing. He was just starting a business and acting like a retired millionaire! He must have expected his business to flourish fueled by his ‘charisma’ and name dropping. Ha!

Sounds as though he’s running his own little ponzi scheme. They’re very popular, these days. So who’s he bamboozling, now. This could prove very interesting…

What’s the name of the country club? Is he still spending all of his time there? And, don’t give me your address in a public forum, but — where are you? City and state is fine. Where is he? Where is this country club?

He claims to be a devout Catholic and displays his piousness by going to daily Mass. What a hypocrite! One minute saying prayers, a few hours later lying to me as he tells me how great his business is doing and I will soon have my money back.

They’re the worst! I’ll never forget a little “poem” I read when I was but five years old:  Mr. Business went to church every single Sunday, then Mr. Business went to Hell for the things he did on Monday.

I have been trying to get my money back since 2006 and now things are bad for me financially all because he did not pay me back as he promised. The money I loaned him was the money I inherited from my Mom when she died and he knows I have lost both my parents.

Every time I ask him for my money he tells me he will pay me in a month or so. He never does. He gave me post dated checks. All which bounced, of course.

Okay, it’s go time. As soon as I’ve finished this post, I am going to email a statement which must be signed by you and returned with the requested identification. You will also receive a legally binding and enforceable vow to protect your privacy as ferociously as the first statement protects us against those who would use Official Shit List to cause harm or injury to the undeserving. Once the exchange has taken place, the gloves and your moderation are off.

What’s this guy’s name.

One Comment

  1. venusvictrix says:

    Hi again and thank you for taking my case!

    The reason I didnt know this man as well as his sister was that he lived abroad. Oh, I better clarify things. I am living in Asia. This man was living and working in the US all his life. I met him through my Mom and his sister when he relocated to Asia.

    I recently discovered he also borrowed money from his sister and other members of his family. I dont think he paid them back either but they would be more forgiving. They are very well off. A few hundred thousand dollars wont make a dent in their finances.

    Now he is back in the US again. Somewhere in SF or LA. He moved there about a year ago. Before he left, he told me he was setting up a business in CA. He left me post dated checks that he promised would clear. They bounced.

    I think that he is kiting or running a Ponzi scheme. He borrows from A to pay B. Now I know that he is a lousy businessman but his huge ego would never let him admit that he cant run a business properly.

    One time I was pressing him to repay me and he got a call from a travel agent telling him the cost for a trip in two weeks for his son. I was sitting there and heard the whole conversation. His son was going to follow a girl to Paris for the summer. This man was happy to pay for a very expensive trip for his hormonal son and then sadly tell me he cant repay me! Talk about misplaced priorities!

    Now I know this man is definitely a loser in every sense of the word! I hope you can help me get my money back because now I am in a very desperate situation. He knows I am not wealthy like his family. What can we do?

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Giving God a Bad Name

venusvictrix says: Thanks for the welcome. The work you have been doing is well known. Keep it up!

The Avenger

The Avenger

You’ve warmed the cockels of my cold, black heart. Thank you for letting us know we just might be making a difference. Sometimes it seems there are so many con artists, ne’er-do-wells and reprobates we’ll never make a dent — but we keep on keepin’ on, just in case.

Maybe our motto should be “One Asshole at a Time.” Please feel free to tell us more about your asshole…

Oh, I did get ripped-off by someone who presents himself as an upright, law abiding legitimate businessman and God fearing citizen of this world. He comes from a rather prominent family. Matter of fact I believe his brother is connected with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Few things piss me off more than those who drag God into their ungodly schemes and scams [and wars (and invasions and occupations)]. Why are people still falling for this crap?! The minute I see Jesus on an estimate or invoice [or Bible verses on a presidential briefing (advocating invasions and occupations)], I know there’s going to be Trouble. Why doesn’t everybody else?!

Prominent family? A connection to the Asian Development Bank? Have you spoken to his parents and/or siblings and asked them to loan him the money to pay you back [giving the repayment directly to you]?

Embarrassing him in front of his family might go a long way toward getting your money back. Is it that he doesn’t have the money to repay you at this time, or that he has the money but simply refuses to repay you at this time?

He was born in NY, is currently in CA. His claim to fame is that he was a highly paid employee of Lucent some years ago. Went into IT claiming that he had the expertise to operate a call center from his experience with Lucent. Ha! big joke! All he knew was how to talk big and rip people off.

How much money are we talking about? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands of dollars? Hundreds of thousands of dollars? And what is this man’s name? How did he manage to get his mitts on your money? Did you loan it to him or invest it with him? I’m hoping it was a loan rather than an investment, as we are rarely able to recoup monies lost to bad investments. People have to learn to do more research before investing. But loans made in good faith and never repaid are our specialty!

Please be more specific re the man on your Official Shit List, and we shall do what we can to help you.


  1. Elijah says:

    Greatings Thank you for do this! I would now go on this blog every day to see what happen to Mariano del Rosario!

  2. jebdavos says:

    Every body else is saying the same thing I am thinking about Mariano del Rosario but I want to wish you best luck getting your money from this terrible man! After you get your money I hope someone steals all of his money and he will know how it feels!

  3. venusvictrix says:

    In reply to your questions, this man owes me 55,000 American dollars. It was a personal loan I made to him in 2004. He was starting an IT business, a call center. He said he had invested all of his own money but needed additional money as a bridge to keep the business running until his other funds became available or the business received payment of very large invoices. It was only supposed to be temporary. He got personal loans from me and several other people.

    His sister was a close friend of my Mother. They were friends for a very long time before Mom died.  Because of the friendship between my Mom and this man’s sister I loaned him the money. I thought that he was as nice and decent as his sister and the rest of his siblings. Only later did I realize that he might be the black sheep of his family.

    He would tell me stories about all of the work he was doing for his business, but I later found out that he was constantly at a country club playing golf and tennis, and socializing. He was just starting a business and acting like a retired millionaire!

    He must have expected his business to flourish fueled by his ‘charisma’ and name dropping. Ha!

    He claims to be a devout Catholic and displays his piousness by going to daily Mass. What a hypocrite! One minute saying prayers, a few hours later lying to me as he tells me how great his business is doing and I will soon have my money back.

    As a matter of fact, he tells everyone he knows how great his business was doing. He always talked of his big plans to become someone to reckon with  in the call center/BPO industry. It was all hot air and self delusions.

    I have been trying to get my money back since 2006 and now things are bad for me financially all because he did not pay me back as he promised. The money I loaned him was the money I inherited from my Mom when she died and he knows I have lost both my parents. I could have invested that money or just kept it in the bank as my nest egg.

    Every time I ask him for my money he tells me he will pay me in a month or so. He never does. He gave me post dated checks. All which bounced, of course. I would be so grateful if you could get him to repay this loan. I really need my money back fast. Thank you.

  4. jack foyer says:

    I hope you will make life hell for Mariano del Rosario but I am also sad because there are so many assholes like him in this world. The worst people always go to church every day! Do they think they can fool God?

  5. bertholmeow says:

    I read all of your blog and I feel like I will be sick now. Mariano del Rosario is an evil evil man.

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