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Getting Busy Getting Justice

The Avenger

The Avenger

No matter how thoroughly one has been ripped off or betrayed, going after the culprit/s can prove an emotionally disruptive and “scary” course of action. No fan of confrontation, many is the time I chose to “let it go” rather than seek “justice.” It’s always been easier to wage these “campaigns” on behalf of others rather than for myself, and I never like to “hurt” anyone. I’m simply driven to “make things right,” whenever possible.

I hope we haven’t lost VenusVictrix now that it’s time to reveal the name of the con artist who managed to steal $55,000 from him or her. The story checked out, as did the identification. I’m doubting there’s been any change in his/her situation, but know that airing dirty laundry in public may seem a frightening prospect.

Should VenusVictrix not reappear, soon, we will put that case on the back burner and be open to another pot-boiler, so — please feel free to let us know if you need help (and are ready to go public)!

Welcome & Fuck You!

Welcome & Fuck You!

In the meantime, here’s a unique way to support our work and tell the shitheads in your life that they are on your Official Shit List.

This beauty is from our Say It with Sewage Collezione. When words and others fail you, send a message that is impossible to misconstrue.

Those interested in “global shitheads” might wish to follow us (MyShitList) on twitter!

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