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Shits Happen

The Avenger

The Avenger

It’s a damn shame, but. After all of the lies Mariano del Rosario told “Venus” (and after all of the bounced checks, etc.), she decided to play the game his way, yet again, and believe that this time he really will make good his many promises to repay the loan she made to him four years ago, which loan he was to repay with interest and within months.

Sad. Once he’d begun making (what seems to be more empty) promises, she couldn’t bring herself to get tough, preferring to wait and see what happens before “making him pay.”

Wait to see what will happen with the bank transfer which, according to Mariano del Rosario, requires a 10-business-day set-up. (Uh-huh. Of course, at the five-day mark, his bank was suddenly in need of further information and the clock was turned back to Day 1 [these are the “ten days” which can turn into months].)

Wait to see what will happen with the bank transfer which, if Mariano del Rosario sticks to the Con 101 script, will take at least a month to complete. (Mm-hmm [these are the “months” which can easily turn into years].) And then if she still hasn’t received payment, Venus insists there won’t be any more chances. (Ay ay ay [@@]!)

We wish her good luck and great fortune, but the Mariano del Rosario chapter, for us, is closed, and will not be revisited. However! As a public service, this seemingly never-ending saga will remain on the blog, in its entirety. We’ll never again allow a case to drag on, interminably (and still have every faith that, had she not been so “accommodating,” Venus could have had her money back within 4 to 6 weeks of her first post), but we do want her story to serve as a warning to those who might consider making similar mistakes.

In this day and age, loaning money to or investing in anyone without first consulting a search engine (and doing an extensive background check) is begging to be hornswaggled…most unfortunately, however, “there’s a sucker born every minute” seems a gross understatement.

We’re sorely tempted to put Venus on our Official Shit List, for a while, but the truth is that we allowed her to waste our time and resources. Her instinctive “subservience” (and apparent allegiance) to the man who had “victimized” her is not uncommon, and her reticence was clear from the beginning. The clues were all there, we chose to ignore them. Though kicking ourselves and wishing to hold her responsible, all we can do (with any integrity) is vow never to make that mistake, again.

The rest of this week is devoted to our real-world clients and cases, but we shall return shortly and begin anew. Stay tuned! There are other cases on the docket.


  1. Lisa Nova says:

    Hello! I would like to slap women who let men like this walk all over them! They are so worried about if people will think they are nice and they make it easy for rip offs who are NOT nice to keep stealing money from other people. It reminds me of a bad movie where everyone thinks no one is that stupid but a lot of people are that stupid especially women! I work with two women who had all their retirement money stolen by a preacher and they won’t do anything at all because they say he is a man of God and God is testing their faith! Mariano del Rosario should just be a preacher and then the women won’t even try to get their money back at all. Lisa

  2. kevinobrien says:

    This is very sad in a funny way. It makes me angry to read the whole story. There are too many Mariano del Rosario types and also too many like Venus which is what the con men look for. My mother always said you can’t save people from themselves and that is true. I don’t think Venus will ever get her money back but it is her fault too. Nice blog. KO

  3. Lola Franz says:

    I can’t believe she gave him another chance! She must enjoy being ripped off. Too bad.

  4. PROWD BEYOTCH says:


  5. jerry dossel says:

    this story pisses me off but your funny

  6. Joseph says:


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Mariano del Rosario: Winning Loser

The Avenger

The Avenger

It seems Mariano del Rosario is trying to delay his fate. This [suddenly pretending to be willing to repay debts in order to have the victims call off their dogs] is classic con-man behavior. Victims who fall for this ruse never get their monies returned…

venusvictrix says: Mariano del Rosario is a very active member of his tennis club. Looks like he lied to me again and his heart can take strenuous exercise. He told me he heart is so bad he can hardly walk.

It’s also classic to have the con-man seek sympathy from his victims. Most unfortunately, women are all-too-often suckers for a sad story. No matter what has been done to them, they have great difficulty handling accusations of being “not very nice.”

He did contact me again on Saturday August 15th and told me he deposited some money in my bank account but he did not say how much money. I will check today to see if money arrived from him and how much he sent. I will post the details as soon as I know. He didnt specify the amount he sent and he has told me he will give me my money many times and then he didnt or he gave me a bad check.

Did any money arrive from Mariano del Rosario? If so, how much?

I am so tired of his lies. I loaned him my inheritance five years ago and he promised to pay me back with interest in only a few months. He said it would be better than a savings account or a CD or money market so I would be helping him and he would be helping me. Now I have spent more than four years trying to get my money back.

Well, as was discussed when his first “offer” appeared, more than a week ago, should he have sent some money, but not the entire amount owed, we would either have to drop the case if you wished to keep giving him chances, or bring him to his knees until you are in receipt of all monies due and owing from Mariano del Rosario.

We sincerely hope you will choose the latter, as experience has shown it’s the only way to get your money back from the Mariano del Rosarios of this world. We do understand the emotional tug-of-war between your desire to have your monies returned and memories of the friendship between your mother and del Rosario’s sister [Nena del Rosario-Villanueva], but cannot ride that particular roller-coaster with you. It could tie up our blog for years, and keep us from helping others who are in dire need of our assistance.

Please let us know, asap, whether or not Mariano or “Mario” sent you some money, how much he sent [if anything], and how you wish to proceed. We are ready to either proceed with this case or move on to the next. No matter your choice, we wish you nothing but success!


  1. venusvictrix says:

    Hi. Even if he does send me a little money I promise I will not stop now. I will do whatever I have to to get the whole amount back, plus the interest. I showed you the computation done by an accountant of what he would have paid for a bank loan and that is very low interest. I wish I could charge him the interest of a credit card company! $55,000 US dollars was the amount he owed me a few weeks before you started your blog again so it would be more now but I will be happy just to get the $55,000 if he will pay me soon.

    I did get another text today from Mariano del Rosario and he told me his bank takes 10 days just to set up a transfer and now he says he needs more information before they can do that. I have never heard of such a thing but maybe it takes 10 days to set up an international wire for food stamps? 🙂 He told me on Saturday that he already wired the money so I know you are correct. He will tell me lots of stories and never send my money unless he is very pressured. I know he doesnt care what I think but he cares what the people at his tennis club and his business associates think.

    I promise I will send an email to Mariano del Rosario today and tell him I do not accept his stories and that if he doesnt pay the invoice you sent to him in 24 hours I will start sending emails to everyone he knows trying to find other victims. I hope you are right that if we do find more we can get legal action against him. Now that I know he is playing tennis tournaments and telling me how sick he is I wont believe his lies any more.

    Thank you for helping me and supporting me! I am starting to feel hopeful for the first time that I will really get my money back and I can have my operation. I hope if he is stealing now he is stealing from healthy rich people.

  2. daisywu says:

    i know people do worse things but this story make me so upset for venusvictrix. i hope she will get back her moneys and mariano del rosario will go to jail where it will be more hard for him to steal.

  3. perrywhitmore says:

    Mariano del Rosario is definately a looser ass hat! I hope Venus teach him a lesson he will never forget and get her money back.

  4. Eric says:

    Mariano del Rosario is definately a loser ass hat! I hope Venus teach him a lesson he will never forget and get her money back.

  5. Cherie Nabikov says:

    this is a terrible terrible man. i am so sorry for venus.

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Now! Where Were We…

MA'AT:  Goddess of Justice

MA'AT: Justice

Please excuse our brief sabbatical, but several cases we’ve been working, offline, suddenly headed for a close, simultaneously. We’re back, and ready to make short work [and/or minced meat] of Mariano del Rosario — or is it just “Mario,” now? Like “Cher,” or “Madonna,” or “Beelzebub?”

We would have preferred to have no “behind the scenes” discussions with VenusVictrix, allowing this saga to play itself out in public. Not only is it good to have trails and timelines, but the “material” often proves instructional for those who must help themselves when victimized by the Mariano del Rosarios of this world.

That said, we were notified by VenusVictrix that she had received a text message from Mariano del Rosario. The details are a bit fuzzy, as our minds were elsewhere…something about Mariano’s “heart problems” and his being unable to work, needing an operation, forced to live on welfare and food stamps. But suddenly willing to wire her “some money.”

Though we immediately recognized his [extraordinarily unimaginative] scenario as S.O.P for con artists, out of respect for her mother’s years-long friendship with Mariano’s sister [Nena del Rosario-Villanueva], VenusVictrix wanted to give him a chance. We were momentarily unable to proceed further, so suggested she give him a week to get the money to her — knowing full well that he would not. And he did not!

There will be no further interruptions as regards Mariano del Rosario [brother of piano prodigy Nena del Rosario-Villanueva]. But there has been a slight change in plans. We will be acting as guides and mentors, and VenusVictrix will be contacting Mariano’s tennis club, business and personal associates, etc. She obviously has greater legal standing than we, and this process should also prove informative for the layman.

When last we had contact with VenusVictrix [approximately one week ago], she knew that she would be “taking her power back” should Mariano fail to make the transfer as promised. She was to immediately contact us were she to receive any money from del Rosario, and we have not heard from her. Had we not heard from her, it was agreed this sordid charade would head back to the blog, and that we would be posting again, this weekend.

First things being first — as VenusVictrix and Mariano del Rosario entered into a “contract,” last week, even though Mariano del Rosario broke the terms of the contract and VenusVictrix is the aggrieved party, before going any further, it would be wise for VenusVictrix to notify “Mario” that the contract is now broken, and that she intends to move swiftly.

Within 24 hours of notifying del Rosario of her intentions [to locate as many other victims as possible in order to make legal action a higher priority for law enforcement, the American and Philippine governments, etc.], VenusVictrix will make her approach to TennisSF.

Take a deep breath, VenusVictrix, then lower the boom! And just so you don’t start feeling any pangs of guilt — I went to TennisSF, just for the hell of it, and scrolling across the top of the page was this little goody. “08/13/09: M. Del Rosario over I. Johnson: 6-4; 6-2.” And Mariano del Rosario is in 8th position for Player of the Year [Rewarding the most active players in the community]!

He’s doing pretty well for a guy who’s got such a bad heart he can’t work. I wonder if welfare knows the taxpayers are underwriting his tennis tournament entry fees. Maybe TennisSF lets him pay with food stamps? Or maybe he’s already conned a bunch of his new tennis buddies out of money, and he’s living high on their “investments.”

** UPDATE! Mariano del Rosario [and his rapidly failing ticker] won another tennis match at TennisSF! “08/15/09:  M. Del Rosario over I. Johnson: 6-4; 7-5”  I’m guessing the second set would not have been quite so difficult were his heart not on its last legs. What a trooper!

Please post your Final Notice to Mariano del Rosario here, VenusVictrix. You gave him more chances than he deserved, and evidence of that fact will be quite public.


  1. marswaif says:

    Hello everybody, I’m happy to see this blog and know Mariano del Rosario will pay for what he did. I think anyone who will think about giving him money will find this and he will get nothing! You are doing a good thing. I am praying for venusvictrix that everything will turn good for her.

  2. venusvictrix says:

    Hi. Thank you so much for finding out that Mariano del Rosario is a very active member of his tennis club. Looks like he lied to me again and his heart can take strenuous exercise. He told me he heart is so bad he can hardly walk.

    He did contact me again on Saturday August 15th and told me he deposited some money in my bank account but he did not say how much money. I will check today to see if money arrived from him and how much he sent. I will post the details as soon as I know.

    Did he really send me money and if he did will it be enough to pay for my operation? I have no idea. He didnt specify the amount he sent and he has told me he will give me my money many times and then he didnt or he gave me a bad check.

    I am so tired of his lies. I loaned him my inheritance five years ago and he promised to pay me back with interest in only a few months. He said it would be better than a savings account or a CD or money market so I would be helping him and he would be helping me. Now I have spent more than four years trying to get my money back.

    Thank you so much for your help and support. I dont even know you and you have done more to help me than even the investigators I paid a few years ago! I am also very thankful for all of the people here who have been praying for me and wishing me good luck. I will let you know tomorrow if Mariano del Rosario sent me my money and I will definitely tell you if he tries to pay me in food stamps! That made me laugh when you were talking about how he pays for his tennis club.

  3. Dan Thorarenson says:

    I grew up in Burlingame and my parents and grandparents still live there. I signed up for the “interested” list at TennisSF because I play tennis and sometimes I need a good game when I go home to visit the family. I don’t know if I would actually join the league because I am only there for a few days to a couple of weeks at a time, but I did tell them in two places on the form that I found them on It will be interesting to see whether or not they care that they have a con artist in their top ten players. The biggest reason I don’t know if I would join is because I don’t know what I would do if I ever came face to face with Mariano del Rosario. When I read about Venus it makes me think of the women in my family. Good luck getting her money back. Better luck ruining Mario’s game. He needs to be put away where he can’t harm anyone else.

  4. jeanway says:

    Apologize for my bad english, a gracious vent spleen of your writing. I faced difficulties in this same way but your solution definately help me for my future.

  5. Samira says:

    Apologize much for my bad english but a gracious venting spleen of your writing. I face difficulties in this same way. Maybe you help me for my future.

  6. Jo says:

    I hate people like Mariano del Rosario. Why don’t rich people ever have to pay for their evil crimes?

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It’s Go-Time!

The Avenger

The Avenger

I must say, it’s wonderful to have so many comments. Thanks to all who’ve stepped forward to speak out! I wish I had time to write personal notes. JParker, if you can find your friend and she was indeed ripped off by Mariano del Rosario — PLEASE do let us know!

AmyTut, I’m very sorry about your Dad, and about the thieving attorney. We definitely would have gone to bat for you over that one, but the Universe had other plans.

A special thank you to everyone who lives in the Bay Area and plans to help spread the word about Mariano del Rosario!

venusvictrix says: I remembered another story about Mariano del Rosario that shows he is a big time loser.

Do tell!

When I was asking people about him and he was giving me bad checks, I was told that he tells people before he relocated to the Philippines he was living in Burlingame and had a big house, a very good job, several expensive cars, etc. He said he sold everything to move to the Philippines and put up an IT business.

When he didn’t start his business he told everyone he couldn’t because he lost a lot of his money after he gave it to one of his sons to invest in the US stock market. Can anyone enlighten me as to why he would entrust hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to a 20-something-year-old son to play the stock market? Unless that son was a financial genius, no one in his right mind would do that.

Either Mariano del Rosario is a fool or this is another one of his lies to get people to sympathize with him when he was trying to get people to invest in his “business.”

What I find especially fascinating [and equally outrageous] is that he has no problem ruining his son‘s reputation in order to “enhance” his own! I don’t believe for a moment that he went to the Philippines with hundreds of thousands of dollars, let alone that he allowed his son full access to such funds to play the stock market. That’s disgusting. He really is among the lowest of the low! His poor kids…

Anyway, I hope this blog will warn people about Mariano del Rosario. If ever anyone meets him, dont even talk to him! Avoid him like the H1N1 virus. He is a shame to his family, a loser and a con man.

I really appreciate all of the support you are all giving me. It means a lot to me because this has been very depressing and I was feeling alone. I’m so glad this blog started again!

And I’m glad you came to us when you did. It was synchronicity! Now, it’s time for some action. Here is the email I sent, a week ago, giving Mariano del Rosario a chance to redeem himself. I even got a special email address, in his [dis]honor! He chose not to respond. Tomorrow, I contact TennisSF in search of other victims. And so it begins…


Before Contacting TennisSF, Parsec, Lucent, Concorde, Micronetics, GlobeQuest, Epson, IBM, MVR, USF, CSM, ETC…

From: YourWorst Nightmare <>
To: Mariano del Rosario <>
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:15:48 AM

To:    Mariano “Juni” del Rosario
Nee:  10th January 1947  New York, NY

More than five years ago, you, Mariano del Rosario, borrowed a sum of money from Ms. X (Manilla, Philippines). The loan remains unpaid, and, with penalties and interest, the amount now due and owing to Ms. X is US$55,000.00.

Ms. X contacted us after being informed of the difficulties inherent in having you extradited to the Philippines to face numerous charges for fraud, including but not limited to checks written on a closed account.

Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company ( Metrobank)
Tordecillas St – Gil Puyat Ave. Branch, Makati City

1. Check number 6411452964 dated: June 5, 2007
2. Check number 6411452953 dated: July 15, 2007
3. Check number 6411452962 dated: Aug 17, 2007
4. Check number 6411452945 dated: July 9, 2007

We accepted Ms. X’s case, and the details have been discussed on one of our blogs for several weeks (which discussions are now indexed and archived by yahoo, google, altavista, dogpile, infospace, and other major search engines).

Unless Ms. X receives full repayment — of the loan, plus penalties and interest (in the amount of US$55,000), and our collection fee of 15% (in the amount of US$8250.00), for a total of US$63,250.00 — this week, on Monday (27th July 2009) we will begin contacting your acquaintances (personal and professional), associates and employers (past and present, national and international) in search of other victims.

Our efforts will not cease until Ms. X has been repaid. We suggest you consider the ramifications of said efforts and have the monies wired to Ms. X, immediately, if not sooner.

In the meantime, you might wish to see that which will be discovered by those who do their homework before loaning money to, employing, and associating or otherwise becoming involved with one Mr. Mariano “Juni” del Rosario.

Sincere Regards,
Your Worst Nightmare


  1. rivermaiden says:

    Has Mariano del Rosario replied to your email? I am willing to bet he thinks it is unimportant. He doesnt realize that with a non-reply he will feel the full force of shame heaped on him even if he does not feel shame for the things he is doing. I hope you make it very hard for him to steal from new people! He should be in jail for making checks to venusvictrix from a bank account that was closed!

  2. lnaBell says:

    Did you send the email to Mariano del Rosario’s tennis club in San Francisco? If I played tennis there I would not want him in my club. I am sure you are right he wants to meet rich people there and get money from them. I hope Venus gets her money back!

  3. venusvictrix says:

    Hi. Just to let you know a friend of mine called the telephone number of Mariano del Rosario. She told me its still active, but the voice message says “Mario” not Mariano del Rosario as it was previously. She knows him so she is sure it is him.

    He changed his voice message recording and he is not using his family name del Rosario any more. There is space in his answering machine to leave messages too so that means he has been checking them.

    He is still very much alive and kicking, he probably lives in San Mateo or San Bruno and he is hiding. If someone out there knows him or knows where he lives please post it on this blog.

    It is very important that I get my money back now. I went to my doctor a few days ago. After many tests he told me I need an operation. I dont have any health insurance. Until Mario or Mariano del Rosario gives me my money back, I wont be able to have the operation. I need the operation. If its not done very soon, the doctor said I could develop a life threatening condition.

    I appreciate everyone giving me so much support in this and I think maybe Mariano has seen this blog. I am getting hopeful that he will give me my money back.

  4. Rgee says:

    What a cad! I hope you find him soon and wring every dollar he has from his dirty hands. He owes venusvictrix, with interest! If anything happens to her, it will be in his conscience till the day he dies. I hope he still has a conscience. Good luck in helping get the money back!

  5. SallySeviase says:

    If I post my real feelings here it will be 20 pages long and all curse words! I am excited to see what happens when you contact all of the people you found. I hope you can tell them about Mariano del Rosario before he can steal from them! I like this blog.

  6. jameybanda says:

    Mariano del Rosario thinks he can act like he is a politician or a banker and do anything he wants like he is a king. I wish I could see Judge Judy talk to him on national tv. ha ha ha I agree with the poster who said he is SCUM!!!!!!!! I hope you get all of your money back venusvictrix.

  7. Ina Tensada says:

    If I was rich I would give venusvictix her money for the operation and then I would spend more money to make sure Mariano del Rosario will go to prison!

  8. MattUSA says:

    what is happening for this? i hope mariano del rosario loses everything he has and he is sent back to the philipines where he will rot in jail!

  9. demhen says:

    I hope venusvictrix gets her money back and Mariano del Rosario will burn in Hell.

  10. Creed says:

    The Bible says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Rich people can be criminals on earth and nothing ever happens to them and they think they are smart. Mariano del Rosario can go to church every day but he will still have to face God when he dies. I am praying for you venusvitrix. I hope you get your money back and nothing bad happens to you because Mariano del Rosario stole your money. If you can’t have your operation because he stole your money it will be on his hands if something bad happens to you. I will keep praying for you. I don’t know why God lets things like this happen to poor people but I know God loves you. Creed

  11. mimikox says:

    I keep coming here to see what happened. I hope you are having good luck getting venisvixtric her money back! Mariano del Rosario and his whole family are very bad people. His sister should know better and not send him to live with her friend. I was shocked she will do that and then not help! Maybe these people are rich in this life but I will not want to be them when it is time to answer to God! I am praying for you and hope you get your money and your operation. If you are getting worse and something happen to you it will be Mariano del Rosario fault. He is SO EVIL! mimi

  12. Royce says:

    This Mariano del Rosario should pick up his sh*t like a man! I hope karma’s waiting around the corner to beat him senseless!

  13. Sean Orr says:

    Mariano del Rosario is a evil disgusting creap. I knew a man like this once who stole all my mothers savings and she worried so much she had a heart attack and died. I hate people like this and I hope venusvictrix gets her money back and then Mariano del Rosario will have a heart attack like my mom!

  14. wumngurl says:

    did you write to the tennis club about mariano del rosario? this is like a mystery and I want to know what happened! I hope you are quiet because you are getting venus money back.

  15. marapiaf says:

    Hi, I am so glad to find someone do something about people like Mariano del Rosario. Can you imagine a person do these things without worry? I hope also for Venus get her money that was stolen and even more I will hope he can not steal other people money in the future. This man and all the man and woman like him must to be in jail for their life.

  16. carolsamuel says:

    Men like Mariano del Rosario always think they are so smart when really they are just evil. I can think of lots of ways to steal from people but I would never do that and its not because I am too stupid to steal. I am praying for VenusVictrix to get her money back and I hope this blog will warn everyone so Mariano del Rosario will have a very hard time stealing from people in the future!

  17. carolwaters says:

    Hi, Whats happening with Mariano del Rosario? Did he pay?

  18. Seann Vanity says:

    Just saying hello there!
    Sean Vanity

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Mariano del Rosario: the Beginning of the End

venusvictrix says: It amazes me how much info you have unearthed about Mariano del Rosario in such short span of time.

The Avenger

The Avenger

Aw, shucks. T’waren’t nuthin’, ma’am. Seriously. Just wait’ll you see what we find when we start doing some real digging. Past experience suggests there are multiple closets filled with Mariano del Rosario’s skeletons. His clock is ticking! I sent him an email, Monday. He’ll either pay you in cash, or in ways he never dreamed…

He had his alleged heart by-pass operation in the Spring of 2008 in the US. He told me his doctor told him not to work until the doctor gives him a clean bill of health. Fall of 2008 he told me that he was still under doctors orders not to work and that his heart problem was very serious. Spring of 2009, he told me he still wasnt working because of his bad heart.

There’s definitely something wrong with Mariano del Rosario’s heart, but it’s nothing a doctor can fix. He’s also got a few screws loose, and — unless you soon have your money — I look forward to tightening those, myself!

I was very surprised when you found out he has been playing tennis again! I also heard that he is trying to get a job at the VA. I dont know if he wants to manage their computers or if he is pretending to be a doctor now but either way I feel sorry for American veterans if Mariano del Rosario is working there!

The VA and TennisSF will most definitely be contacted, next week [unless you’ve received full payment from Mariano del Rosario]. We’ve also decided to offer a reward in the amount of $10,000 to whomever is able to provide information resulting in an arrest, prosecution, and felony conviction of Mariano del Rosario. Punks like him tend to have lots of victims, unfortunately.

If he decides he’s not going to pay you, having a criminal record in the US [for other offenses] should make it harder for him to continue victimizing others, here. And if we can find an “important victim” in the Philippines, we might actually be able to have him extradited — especially if he’s become a known felon in the US.

The last telephone number I have for him is 650-515-2592. I was told its a telephone number in CA. When I try to call the number all I get is a voice mail recording telling me to leave a message. Its obvious that he is hiding. He screens the messages then replies to those he wants to.

The area code is for San Mateo and San Bruno; the number is for a landline technically in San Bruno — which is definitely no Burlingame! But there are lots of cheap apartments. It’s also an unpublished number. I wonder how often Mariano del Rosario has felt it necessary to change his phone number [and address].

I am praying very hard that you are able to get him to repay me. I have health problems and there is no one else I can run to for help.

Unlike Mariano del Rosario who has siblings who can help him in many ways, I dont have anyone since my mother died. I dont have brothers or sisters or other relatives who will look out for me. If ever Mariano del Rosario cant afford to pay for a place to stay I am sure his family will let him live with them, and they will feed him and support him. If I lose the roof over my head I dont have anywhere to go and no one to turn to. I will literally be out in the streets. I dont have anyone who will take me in, feed me or support me.

I get depressed thinking about the injustice he has done to me. He is playing tennis in San Francisco while I am worrying because I cant afford my medication so I cant go back to work and take care of myself. Soon I might lose my apartment. I am having these problems because Mariano del Rosario stole the inheritance left to me by my mother and he knew I was not a rich woman. There is something terribly unjust about that.

You’re absolutely right. Unfortunately, life isn’t fair. As so beautifully said by Bertrand Russell, “in the part of this universe that we know, there is great injustice. Often the good suffer, often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying.”

Stories like yours are all too common, I fear, but we’ve devoted much of our lives to helping right such wrongs, whenever possible. We seem to have a flair for the work. We definitely have a passion for it. And you have my word. We will do everything within our power to see that your kindness and generosity toward Mariano del Rosario will not, in the end, be punished.

Tomorrow, I will post the email he recieved, Monday night or Tuesday morning. He has been warned. But he may not fully understand the gravity of his situation. Improving his comprehension will be my pleasure…


  1. anneldceacy says:

    what happen next???!!!

  2. Avenger says:

    Stay tuned! If Mariano del Rosario hasn’t repaid VenusVictrix by Monday, he’ll soon wish he had. You might want to make popcorn! Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy bringing the hammer down on the Mariano del Rosarios of this world, but somebody’s got to do it. And if that somebody has to be me, the least I can do is make it “entertaining.”

    Let’s just hope that Mariano del Rosario decides to do the right thing, and save himself a world o’ hurt [and a can o’ whoop-ass]. If we can’t haul him into a court of law, we can certainly resign him to a very limited number of career options. When we’re done with him, he’ll have to rely upon his family’s largesse, as he’d be lucky to find a place on a landscaping crew, or in a kitchen, somewhere. And I have a feeling Mariano del Rosario believes himself “too good” for such menial tasks.

    But at least he won’t ever again be able to steal from anyone with an internet connection! And that is as much a goal as getting VenusVictrix repaid [and finding others who’ve already been his victims].

    We’ll know which direction we’re headed, come Monday!

  3. jparker says:

    Thanks for doing this. I think I know someone else who was a victim of Mariano del Rosario. I will try to contact her and make sure. I hope venusvictrix gets her money back! Maybe you can help my friend too. I have not seen her in almost two years but I think I can find her again.

  4. erabannoca says:

    Is terrible what some peoples do for money and a lot of rich peoples do these bad things. I hope this woman get her money back and you will make the man a BIG problem for his future!

  5. julierox says:

    I never met Mariano del Rosario but if I did I think I would spit on him. I hope you have very good luck getting the money back for venusvictrix!

  6. Waltkafe says:

    I hope she gets her money back from this robber man but it will also be fun to watch you make him sorry he did not pay her a long time ago. I hate people who do these things and the worst thief is always from a rich family!

  7. boonelefleur says:

    I was looking for information on call centers and I am very glad I found your website! I would never use Global Call International anyway because there is no website for that company so I would never take them seriously but I will remember the name Mariano del Rosario! I hope venusvictrix gets her money back and that other people will see this website before they try to do business with him. Laws will never stop rich people stealing from poor people but good information can make it harder for rich people to steal from poor people!

  8. TypeTrue says:

    This is funny. My boss told me to do some research looking for call centers today so I am at least the second person who found this blog because of that. I agree with the poster who said he would not be interested in a business that doesn’t even have a web site but I am still glad I found out about Global Call International. Before I left work I told my boss I still need to do more research on Monday but I could tell him now he never wants to do business with anyone named Mariano del Rosario! ha ha ha ha ha ha I hope this lady gets her money back.

  9. amytut says:

    My Dad died on Christmas Eve in 2007 and he left me thirty five thousand dollars. I was surprised because I didn’t know he had any money saved. He paid for his cremation a long time ago and he always paid his bills and did not use credit cards or have loans so he did not have any expenses but the estate attorney told me I had to wait for probate to be over and after that he gave me a check for $24.10 and the rest of my Dad’s money went to the attorney for his fees! I told him it was not fair because he did not do anything except wait for probate to be over. I was really mad and he laughed and said what are you going to do about it and then he told me maybe I should sue him. Maybe it’s terrible but he was killed by a drunk driver on New Years this year and I would have been more happy to have my money but I laughed when I read about the accident in the newspaper. I also hope you will get your money back venusvictrus! I wish I got my money back. I get so mad when I hear stories like this.

  10. Vorrein says:

    This is a wonderful site and I also hope she get her money back. I like your greeting cards too and I bought one to tell my ex to stop bothering me!

  11. venusvictrix says:

    Thank you everyone! I am am praying that I get my money back from Mariano del Rosario soon. He is a thief, plain and simple.

  12. pavence says:

    I am also find your website for looking call centers in America! Thank you for tell us about global call international and mariano del rosario. Is very important informacion to my company. I hope she get her money from this terrible man!

  13. GreegeS says:

    I book marked this blog and I hope the woman gets her money back too. Its sad that there are so many thiefs in this world.

  14. Yvette Dauty says:


  15. msBeichses says:

    Mariano de Rosario is a EVIL JERK! MAKE HIM PAY!

  16. Petey says:

    I found you on zazzle in the greeting cards and came here to see if you have tee shirts. I read all of the posts about Mariano del Rosario and I think I will remember his name until I die. I know its not funny what he did but your website makes me laugh. I hope you will make some tee shirts and I hope you are succesful getting venus money back! This is a good blog for helping people.

  17. lilyfink says:

    I will come back tomorrow and see if Mariano del Rosario gve venus her money! This is like a movie and I think he should be very afraid. tee hee

  18. KTang says:

    Get Mariano del Rosario where it hurts! From what I have read, he values his “good reputation”. Destroy it. People like that are a waste of space. He should not be allowed to continue living an easy life while his victims suffer.

  19. Martin says:

    Mariano del Rosario is a first degree swindler. He is a US citizen that goes to another country, swindles people there then runs back to the US to hide. He should be tracked down and forced to pay venusvictrix, with interest.

  20. rivermaiden says:

    Thanks for this great blog! Its nice to see that there is someone who is helping ordinary people who have been wronged. There are too many Mariano del Rosarios running around who are never caught. They think they can go scott free. Well, watch out Mariano del Rosario! Your time is up!

  21. profiler says:

    Very interesting website. Good luck helping this woman get her money. Mariano del Rosario sounds like a textbook case and I can almost guarantee this is a lifestyle for him. Here in San Francisco he has a lot of competition but he does not sound smart enough to reel in the big fish. He will continue to prey on the weakest in the herd.

  22. brohamz says:

    i worked in call centers more than 20 yrs and i never heard of global call international or mariano del rosario. hes a scammer but i dont know anyone who would believe his stories if they know any thing at all about call centers. if he doesnt have he is a real joke. i am sorry he stole your money but i think he got your money because you dont know a thing about business. there is no real business that does not have a website. hope you get your money back.

  23. olepadre says:

    I was looking for information on the artist Mariano del Rosario and found this blog. I am very glad this criminal is a different Mariano del Rosario! I am also glad I found this blog because I play tennis in the Bay Area and I know many venture capitalists and CEOs of high-tech companies. I will ask them – and warn them – about this Mariano del Rosario. Nice blog. Very helpful.

  24. venusvictrix says:

    Hi Everyone! Thank you for all the good wishes. I remembered another story about Mariano del Rosario that shows he is a big time loser.

    When I was asking people about him and he was giving me bad checks, I was told that he tells people before he relocated to the Philippines he was living in Burlingame and had a big house, a very good job, several expensive cars, etc. He said he sold everything to move to the Philippines and put up an IT business.

    When he didn’t start his business he told everyone he couldn’t because he lost a lot of his money after he gave it to one of his sons to invest in the US stock market. Can anyone enlighten me as to why he would entrust hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to a 20-something-year-old son to play the stock market? Unless that son was a financial genius, no one in his right mind would do that.

    Either Mariano del Rosario is a fool or this is another one of his lies to get people to sympathize with him when he was trying to get people to invest in his “business.”

    Anyway, I hope this blog will warn people about Mariano del Rosario. If ever anyone meets him, dont even talk to him! Avoid him like the H1N1 virus. He is a shame to his family, a loser and a con man.

    I really appreciate all of the support you are all giving me. It means a lot to me because this has been very depressing and I was feeling alone. I’m so glad this blog started again!

  25. how-wierd says:

    I was looking up some of my past Colleagues and ran across this blog. I worked for Mario in 1988 – 91 when he was the I/T Director at Concorde Trading Co. in Hartford, IL. You think he’s shifty now…. I have one word. WOW!! you should have seen him at work back in the 80’s.

    One year a co-worker and I were both skipped over getting a raise. Mario told me to submit an Invoice to our employer for Contractor Labor with 50 hours at $40/hr. When the CFO saw this bill he pulled me and my co-worker into a conference room and threatened us with legal action.

    I informed the CFO that Mario told us this is the only way we were going to receive our bonus. The CFO was “pissed off”. The next day the CFO hand delivered us checks and informed us Mario was going to have to answer to the board for his actions.

    So in my eyes Mario has also been very untrustworthy and it appears by this blog he has not stopped.

  26. venusvictrix says:

    Hello how-weird. Its good you found this blog. Thank you for sharing your experience with Mariano del Rosario. From what you said he looks like he has been shifty even when he was working in Concorde Trading. Maybe thats the real reason he had to relocate to the Philippines in the late 90’s. He probably was fired by his employer.

    He never told me or anyone the full reason he moved to the Philippines. All he said was that he wanted to start a business in this country.

    Fyi, my lawyer has written a demand letter to him c/o his sister as we do not have his present address in San Mateo, CA. If you or anyone who reads this blog finds his present address, please share it in this blog.

    Many thanks again!

  27. Julie says:

    Very interesting website. Good luck helping this woman get her money. Mariano del Rosario sounds like a textbook case and I can almost guarantee this is a lifestyle for him. Here in San Francisco he has a lot of competition but he does not sound smart enough to reel in the big fish. He will continue to prey on the weakest in the herd.

  28. Jon says:

    Mariano del Rosario is a criminal. He should be in prison.

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