MA'AT: Justice
Please excuse our brief sabbatical, but several cases we’ve been working, offline, suddenly headed for a close, simultaneously. We’re back, and ready to make short work [and/or minced meat] of Mariano del Rosario — or is it just “Mario,” now? Like “Cher,” or “Madonna,” or “Beelzebub?”
We would have preferred to have no “behind the scenes” discussions with VenusVictrix, allowing this saga to play itself out in public. Not only is it good to have trails and timelines, but the “material” often proves instructional for those who must help themselves when victimized by the Mariano del Rosarios of this world.
That said, we were notified by VenusVictrix that she had received a text message from Mariano del Rosario. The details are a bit fuzzy, as our minds were elsewhere…something about Mariano’s “heart problems” and his being unable to work, needing an operation, forced to live on welfare and food stamps. But suddenly willing to wire her “some money.”
Though we immediately recognized his [extraordinarily unimaginative] scenario as S.O.P for con artists, out of respect for her mother’s years-long friendship with Mariano’s sister [Nena del Rosario-Villanueva], VenusVictrix wanted to give him a chance. We were momentarily unable to proceed further, so suggested she give him a week to get the money to her — knowing full well that he would not. And he did not!
There will be no further interruptions as regards Mariano del Rosario [brother of piano prodigy Nena del Rosario-Villanueva]. But there has been a slight change in plans. We will be acting as guides and mentors, and VenusVictrix will be contacting Mariano’s tennis club, business and personal associates, etc. She obviously has greater legal standing than we, and this process should also prove informative for the layman.
When last we had contact with VenusVictrix [approximately one week ago], she knew that she would be “taking her power back” should Mariano fail to make the transfer as promised. She was to immediately contact us were she to receive any money from del Rosario, and we have not heard from her. Had we not heard from her, it was agreed this sordid charade would head back to the blog, and that we would be posting again, this weekend.
First things being first — as VenusVictrix and Mariano del Rosario entered into a “contract,” last week, even though Mariano del Rosario broke the terms of the contract and VenusVictrix is the aggrieved party, before going any further, it would be wise for VenusVictrix to notify “Mario” that the contract is now broken, and that she intends to move swiftly.
Within 24 hours of notifying del Rosario of her intentions [to locate as many other victims as possible in order to make legal action a higher priority for law enforcement, the American and Philippine governments, etc.], VenusVictrix will make her approach to TennisSF.
Take a deep breath, VenusVictrix, then lower the boom! And just so you don’t start feeling any pangs of guilt — I went to TennisSF, just for the hell of it, and scrolling across the top of the page was this little goody. “08/13/09: M. Del Rosario over I. Johnson: 6-4; 6-2.” And Mariano del Rosario is in 8th position for Player of the Year [Rewarding the most active players in the TennisSF.com community]!
He’s doing pretty well for a guy who’s got such a bad heart he can’t work. I wonder if welfare knows the taxpayers are underwriting his tennis tournament entry fees. Maybe TennisSF lets him pay with food stamps? Or maybe he’s already conned a bunch of his new tennis buddies out of money, and he’s living high on their “investments.”
** UPDATE! Mariano del Rosario [and his rapidly failing ticker] won another tennis match at TennisSF! “08/15/09: M. Del Rosario over I. Johnson: 6-4; 7-5” I’m guessing the second set would not have been quite so difficult were his heart not on its last legs. What a trooper!
Please post your Final Notice to Mariano del Rosario here, VenusVictrix. You gave him more chances than he deserved, and evidence of that fact will be quite public.
Hello everybody, I’m happy to see this blog and know Mariano del Rosario will pay for what he did. I think anyone who will think about giving him money will find this and he will get nothing! You are doing a good thing. I am praying for venusvictrix that everything will turn good for her.
Hi. Thank you so much for finding out that Mariano del Rosario is a very active member of his tennis club. Looks like he lied to me again and his heart can take strenuous exercise. He told me he heart is so bad he can hardly walk.
He did contact me again on Saturday August 15th and told me he deposited some money in my bank account but he did not say how much money. I will check today to see if money arrived from him and how much he sent. I will post the details as soon as I know.
Did he really send me money and if he did will it be enough to pay for my operation? I have no idea. He didnt specify the amount he sent and he has told me he will give me my money many times and then he didnt or he gave me a bad check.
I am so tired of his lies. I loaned him my inheritance five years ago and he promised to pay me back with interest in only a few months. He said it would be better than a savings account or a CD or money market so I would be helping him and he would be helping me. Now I have spent more than four years trying to get my money back.
Thank you so much for your help and support. I dont even know you and you have done more to help me than even the investigators I paid a few years ago! I am also very thankful for all of the people here who have been praying for me and wishing me good luck. I will let you know tomorrow if Mariano del Rosario sent me my money and I will definitely tell you if he tries to pay me in food stamps! That made me laugh when you were talking about how he pays for his tennis club.
I grew up in Burlingame and my parents and grandparents still live there. I signed up for the “interested” list at TennisSF because I play tennis and sometimes I need a good game when I go home to visit the family. I don’t know if I would actually join the league because I am only there for a few days to a couple of weeks at a time, but I did tell them in two places on the form that I found them on officialshitlist.com. It will be interesting to see whether or not they care that they have a con artist in their top ten players. The biggest reason I don’t know if I would join is because I don’t know what I would do if I ever came face to face with Mariano del Rosario. When I read about Venus it makes me think of the women in my family. Good luck getting her money back. Better luck ruining Mario’s game. He needs to be put away where he can’t harm anyone else.
Apologize for my bad english, a gracious vent spleen of your writing. I faced difficulties in this same way but your solution definately help me for my future.
Apologize much for my bad english but a gracious venting spleen of your writing. I face difficulties in this same way. Maybe you help me for my future.
I hate people like Mariano del Rosario. Why don’t rich people ever have to pay for their evil crimes?