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Posts Tagged ‘Nena del Rosario Villanueva’

Mariano del Rosario Gets Wikified

venusvictrix says: Mariano was the only one who stayed with my Mom. My Mom didnt mind as it was only for a few months. She did it out of friendship with Mariano’s sister. Again, I continue to be shocked that Mariano del Rosario’s sister (Natividad “Nena” del Rosario-Villanueva) would place your mother in harm’s way […]

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva?

venusvictrix says: Ok, ok, I give up. You are correct. I should not make excuses for Mariano del Rosario’s family. I was thinking deeply about what you wrote. You are correct I am allowing myself to be a doormat to these people. Maybe I was scared that if I upset them by being too forceful […]