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Posts Tagged ‘thief’

Nena del Rosario-Villanueva?

venusvictrix says: Ok, ok, I give up. You are correct. I should not make excuses for Mariano del Rosario’s family. I was thinking deeply about what you wrote. You are correct I am allowing myself to be a doormat to these people. Maybe I was scared that if I upset them by being too forceful […]

Mariano del Rosario: Oh, This Won’t Be Pretty…

venusvictrix says: Hi! Well, it looks like the sister of Mariano “Juni” del Rosario wont cover for him. He also owes her money. So her attitude is that I should just write it off as she has. Easy for her to say. She doesnt need the money. The family has many resources. Just so we’re […]

VenusVictrix Rides Again!

venusvictrix says: My apologies for disappearing. My past few days have been spent trying to sell some of my things. I need the cash to pay my bills. I take daily medications for my asthma, so the medicine bills can add up to a pretty penny. Very sorry to hear of your hardship; very glad […]

Sleazy Is As Sleazy Does

I recently discovered he also borrowed money from his sister and other members of his family. I dont think he paid them back either but they would be more forgiving. They are very well off. A few hundred thousand dollars wont make a dent in their finances.

Well, in that case — have you thought about asking them to repay you and then collect [or eat] the debt, themselves? If they introduced you to this “man” without telling you to watch your wallet, it would seem they might wish to accept some responsibility for your predicament. Especially if they’re loaded and you’re not. It would make sense, simply out of respect for the friendship with your mother.

VenusVictrix: The Plot Thickens

He claims to be a devout Catholic and displays his piousness by going to daily Mass. What a hypocrite! One minute saying prayers, a few hours later lying to me as he tells me how great his business is doing and I will soon have my money back.

They’re the worst! I’ll never forget a little “poem” I read when I was but five years old: Mr. Business went to church every single Sunday, then Mr. Business went to Hell for the things he did on Monday.

I have been trying to get my money back since 2006 and now things are bad for me financially all because he did not pay me back as he promised. The money I loaned him was the money I inherited from my Mom when she died and he knows I have lost both my parents.